OIAC Iran Human Rights Update March 27, 2023


Systematic violations of the right to life

Arbitrary killing
State murder of Mehran Rahmani, shot in his stomach.

Mehran Rahmani is one of the 14 slain persons from Mahabad, who were shot at with AK47 by suppressive security forces, and lost his life after being hospitalized.

The number of the victims and the intensity of the suppression at this city with more than 236,000 population was so horrifying that the suppressive security forces used G3 rifles and snipers to kill and suppress. Their at will and blind shooting even killed people such as Ms. Freshteh Ahmadi and Ms. Kobra Shaikh who were at their homes’ yards.

Mehran Rahmani too is one of the victims in this city who amid the peak of the protests in most of the Kurdistan cities on November 17, 2022, was hit by the bullets of suppressive security forces and died.

Mehran Rahmani, 22, was hit by an AK47 bullet in in his belly, in Poshtapberi Shilanan district on the day of the protests in Mahabad, was severely wounded and died later.

In a call to his father, the Mahabad Intelligence Agency summoned him and put pressure on him that he must announced in front of the hospital and in front of the IRIB’s cameras that the Iran Kurdistan Democratic Party has shot his son and it wasn’t the state forces. If he does so, they will pay for his treatment expenses and will not detain him after he is released from the hospital. But Mr. Rahmani refuses to accept that, saying the Mehran was shot at by the state forces.

Mehran Rahmani’s body was handed over to his family at 2:00 am. At the coroner’s office of Urmia, the family had to pledge that it will bury the body at night without the presence of the residents of Faloy Zendan Village. The funeral was held but the next morning, on November 18, with the presence of a huge crowd. (Kurdpa- March 18, 2023)


The first state-killings in Kurdistan in the New Year; brutal murdering of a 19-year-old youth

On the evening of Wednesday, March 22, 2023, Behzad Azizi, 19 years old from Baneh, was killed by direct shooting of the IRGC forces. This young man was hit by several bullets in his head. Behzad Azizi was taken to the hospital and died there after being shot by the IRGC forces at the Karimabad check point in three kilometers distance of Baneh city while returning to his village of birth (Dareh Sheikahn Village). (Hengaw, Kurdpa, Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 22, 2023)


The number of people killed in Zahedan and Khash protests since Bloody Friday, September 30, 2022, to the end of year 1401 (March 20, 2023)

The number of people killed in Zahedan and Khash protests from Bloody Friday, September 30, 2022, to the end of 1401, are at least 121. (Haalvsh- March 24, 2023)

Death sentence
Two defendants sentenced to public executions

With the completion of the investigation of the perpetrators of the terrorist incident in the holy shrine of Shahcheragh and within the legal deadline, the punishment sentences for the accused in this case were issued in the first branch of the Shiraz Islamic Revolutionary Court. The Chief of Justice of Fars Province announced this news that two of the main accused in this case were sentenced to death in public and said: The charge of these two accused was aiding in the Corruption on Earth, Baghi (taking up arms against the state) and acting against the security of the country. (Tasnim state-run news agency- March 18, 2023)

The attack on the Shahcheragh shrine was an armed attack in the area of the Shahcheragh shrine in Shiraz, which happened on the evening of October 26, 2022. As a result of this attack, 13 people were killed and more than 20 people were injured. The regime of the Islamic Republic turned this incident into propaganda and tried to blame the protesters in the 2022 Uprising of Iran for the occurrence of this attack. But some accused the government of the attack, saying that it tried to take astray the focus from the national protests with a false flag operation. During the hacking of the Fars news agency affiliated with the IRGC, the Black Reward hacking group obtained a confidential bulletin that was prepared for the commander of the IRGC. This bulletin shows that the Islamic Republic knew about the attack on Shahcheragh but did not prevent it. Some users of social networks consider the incident of the attack on Shahcheragh as a “conspiracy of the government” to “deflect public opinion” from the 2022 uprising of Iran with the false flag technique. (Wikipedia)

Issuing the death sentence of Khaled Mahmoudi in Javanrood
According to the received reports, the death sentence of an 18-year-old citizen named Khalid Mahmoudi from Javanrood city was issued by the judicial institutions of the Iranian government.

It should be noted that after more than 4 months of detention and due to severe torture by the security forces of the Iranian government, he was forced to confess. (Kurdistan Human Rights Society- March 21, 2023)

The security interrogators have forced him to confess to leading a part of the protests in Javanrud and participating in the burning of a Basiji’s house in this city.
https://www.kmmk.info/fa/37746/2023/%D8%B5%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%85-%D8%A7 %D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%AE%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF-%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D9%88 %D8%AF%DB%8C-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%AF/

Urmia prison; a woman and four men were sentenced to death for spying for Israel
In late February 2023, the third branch of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia, presided over by Judge Najafzadeh, charged 5 citizens from Urmia named Ms. Nasim Namazi, Wafa Hanareh, Aram Omari Bardiani, Rahman Parhazo and Mansour Rasouli with “participating in intelligence cooperation and espionage for the benefit of Israel”. And sentenced them to death. Also, on similar accusations, this court sentenced five other prisoners from Urmia, Kamran Hanareh, Fakhreddin Dudkanloi Milan, Ashkan Osmannejad Ganduk, Hassan Omarpour and Amir Moshtaq Gangchin, to ten years in prison each.  These ten prisoners from Urmia were kidnapped by the forces of the Intelligence Department in 2021-2023. Each of these citizens have spent a few months in the solitary cell of the Urmia Intelligence Department being physically tortured. Recently, Aram Omari, Rahman Parhazo, Amir Moshtaq Gangchin, Fakhreddin Dudkanloi Milan and Ashkan Osmannejad went on a hunger strike for several days in protest against the death sentence and imprisonment and were subsequently transferred to solitary confinement. Ms. Nasim Namazi was one of the prisoners who was transferred to solitary confinement at the same time as Mahyeddin Ebrahimi, a political prisoner executed in Urmia prison, and she is still at risk of being executed. (Hengaw- March 22, 2023)

Detials of Habib Farajollah’s case, the head of Harkat al-Nadhal
One of the cases of year 1401 (Ending March 20, 2023), which started in year 1400, was the case of the terrorist group of Harekat al-Nadhal, headed by Habib Farjollah Cha’ab aka Habib Asivad. The case was under prosecution at branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Afshari. Habib Asivad started his terrorist activities in 2005 being supported by intelligence and espionage services including MOSAD, and Saudi Arabia’s, with the support of Sweden. According to the evidence, the court found the defendant guilty and sentenced him to death. After appeal, the Supreme Court thoroughly investigated the case and on March 12, 2023, it upheld the death sentence. (Mizan state-run news agency- March 24, 2023)

Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments
Amputation, flogging, torture and humiliation

Lawyer, Asghar Mohammadi will be lashed
Lawyer, Asghar Mohammadi, is sentenced to 20 lashes by Varzaqan Criminal Court. This is while the International Convention of Civic and Political Rights clearly prohibits use of degrading punishment which disgraces the dignity of a human being. Mr. Mohammadi is sentenced to 20 lashes by branch 101 of Varzaqan Criminal Court for “spreading lies”. (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 18, 2023)

More than 40 persons wounded by state forces shooting in Nowruz ceremony
Late in the evening of Monday, March 20, 2023, and early morning of Tuesday, March 21 (the onset of Persian new year 1402), government repressive forces in the cities of Mahabad, Bulblan Abad in Dehgolan, Saqqez, and Sanandaj, shot at the people who had come to the streets at the same time as Nowruz celebrations were held. In total, more than 40 citizens have been injured. Also, in the city of Saqqez and especially in the neighborhood of Karim Abad of this city, the government forces, in addition to throwing tear gas at the people, opened fire on them. At least nine people, including two women were wounded. (Hengaw- March 21, 2023)


A kid from Piranshahr lost one eye in state forces shooting
Zaniar (Matin) Tondar, a 17-year-old schoolchild from Piranshahr who was shot at in the head by bird shots by military-security forces in mid-fall of 2022, during the popular protests, lost one eye. Hamzeh Tondar, his father announced: “My son was wounded for the first time on September 20, 2022, the night Zakaria Khial lost his life; we treated him at home. The second time he was shot at by security-military forces near Keshavarzi Sq. in Piranshahr. He was wounded by bird shots and then lost one eye. The protest that night was peaceful but the security forces attacked people, and my son being in front of the protest lines was wounded.”

Zaniar said later that “After something hit my head, I tried not to get detained, but I was not successful. I just remember that the security forces took me into their cars.” The security forces thought that he would not survive so they just abandoned him to die. The people found him and took him to the hospital.

Mr. Tondar (the father) pointed out that he was beaten at the hospital by the SSF. He added that a warrant has been issued to arrest his child: “All this time, there was great pressure on us by security forces and the SSF. On the 10th day after the accident, the forces from police station No.11 came to the hospital. They took me to the basement and brutally beat me and offended me. Then the nurses interfered to stop them. Due to pressure of security agencies and the advice of the doctors at the hospital, I decided to discharge him from the hospital on the same day, on my own responsibility. After that we lived in secrecy for a while in Iran, and after a warrant was issued for our arrest by the Piranshahr Court, we had to leave Iran. (Kurdistan Human Rights Network- March 21, 2023)

گزارشی از وضعیت یک کودک اهل پیرانشهر که در اثر تیراندازی نیروهای نظامی بینایی یک چشم خود را از دست داد

State forces shot and wounded a Kolbar (load carrier)
On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, a Kolber named Hossein Khandani from Marivan city was shot at by “Hengezhal” Border Regiment forces in Baneh and was seriously injured. He was shot in the head and leg. He was then transferred to Salaheddin Ayyoubi hospital in Baneh city for treatment. (Hengaw, Kurdpa, Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 22, 2023)

Raid at the house of a political activist
At 3 am, March 21, 2023 (the first day of the Persian New year), a number of state armed forces raided the house of Manesht Haidari, a political activists from Dareh-Shahr in Ilam while shooting. During this attack, the state forces terrorized the mother of this political activist and the household. They threatened the family and severely damaged their belongings. This attack on the home of Manesht’s mother is while he has left Iran a few years ago due to political pressures on him and has taken refuge in Iraq’s Kurdistan. (Hengaw- March 24, 2023)



Prison conditions
Tahereh Bajrovani from Evin prison: They asked me why you say so much that Aban (November 2019 uprising) continues

Tahereh Bajrovani, one of the families of the November 2019 uprising’s victims, , talks about how she was violently arrested, kept in solitary confinement for a long time, and the interrogators’ efforts to obtain a commitment from her in prison, in an audio file that she recently published from prison.

Seyyed Ali Fotohi, her husband, was killed by a bullet in his heart on Saturday, November 16, 2019, in Quds city, and since then, Tahreh Bajrovani, like other plaintiff families, has been pursuing the lawsuit for her husband’s death. On Wednesday December 21, 2022, Tahereh Bajrovani was arrested for the second time at her workplace in Quds. In this audio file, she says that the forces of the Ministry of Intelligence got into a fight with her colleagues during her arrest and tried to prevent anyone from filming the scene of her violent arrest by pulling their guns.

Tahereh Bajrovani, while pointing out that after the arrest and the explanation of the charges, at the insistence of the security forces, the investigator of the case had to issue a one-month detention order for her:

“After the arrest and the explanation of false accusations, even though the investigator of the case said that all my words are true and these accusations are false, but according to the conversations that were exchanged between them, the investigator issued a temporary arrest warrant for me and arrested me. I was transferred to Evin prison. In the first interrogation, which was no more than half an hour, theyasked me “why do you keep saying that Aban continues? Do you want to continue the event? Who are you to continue it?” My answer was only one sentence, the blood of those spilled on the street continues Aban (the uprising).” (Radio Zamaneh- March 15, 2023)


Ilam: A detainee committed suicide
On Sunday, March 19, 2023, Saadullah A’ini, one of the Dehlran detainees in the Ilam Central Intelligence Detention Center committed suicide and was taken to the hospital. The pressure on Dehlran detainees in the Ilam Central Intelligence Detention Center has increased and following these pressures, Mr. A’ini committed suicide. Azim Yadgari, Farshad A’ini, Saadallah A’ini, Hossein Bapirvand and Safura Maleki were arrested on the February 14, 2013 by the forces of the Dehloran Intelligence Department and transferred to the Central Intelligence Detention Center of Ilam for interrogation. On Saturday March 18, Ms. Safura Maleki was released on bail, but the other four detained citizens are still under pressure and torture for forced confessions. (Kurdpa- March 19, 2023)

Sepideh Qolian transferred to women ward of Evin Prison
Sepideh Qolian, a civil activist, was transferred to the women’s ward of Evin prison on the evening of Sunday, March 19, 2023. On March 15, hours after her release from Evin prison, she was arrested by security forces on the way from Tehran to Dezful and was taken to the detention center of the Ministry of Intelligence known as Ward 209 of Evin prison. So far, there is no information about the charges against Ms. Qolian. (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 20, 2023)

Ali Ahmed Barichi, imprisoned in Zahedan Central Prison in a state of limbo
Despite the fact that more than five months have passed since the arrest of a citizen named Ali Ahmad Barichi, there is still no information about the charges against him. He is in the Zahedan Central Prison in a state of limbo. During the period of his detention, he was harassed and tortured by the prison authorities in order to obtain forced confessions.” Ali Ahmad Barichi, a citizen of Zahedan, was detained by security forces at his workplace in early fall of 2022, in relation to the nationwide protests in this city and was then transferred to Zahedan prison. (Campaign to Defend Political and Civil Prisoners- March 22, 2023)

Hossein Kashani in a state of limbo at Zahedan Central Prison
Several months passed his arrest, Hossein Kashani, is still confined in Zahedan Central Prison in a state of limbo to this date, Wednesday, March 22, 2023, being deprived of his basic rights. He is deprived of the primary right of a defendant to have access to a lawyer to speed up the decision-making process on his file.

Hossein Kashani was detained by security forces at Zahedan entrance check point on October 1, 2022. After being transferred to a detention center, he was brutally subjected to violent behavior. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners- March 22, 2023)

Adel Gergij in a state of limbo at Zahedan Central Prison
Adel Gergij, detained during the nationwide protests of 2022- 2023, is still under custody at Zahedan Central Prison, five months passed his arrest, in a state of limbo. He is confined in Ward 9. Adel Gergij aka Baset, son of Abdolrahman, from Zahedan, was detained on October 9, 2022, during the nationwide protests in Zahedan. There is no news of the charges against him so far. (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 22, 2023)

Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad; Mohammad Soltani still under custody in a state of limbo
Mohammad Soltani, one of the detainees of nationwide protests of 1401 (2022-2023), is still in Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad after more than three months since his arrest in a state of limbo.  Mr. Soltani was arrested by Intelligence Agency’s forces at his home on December 3, 2022, and was transferred to Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad. Mohammad Soltani is 27 years old and a resident of Mashhad. (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 24, 2023)

Head of Prisons Organization: 9,000 people have been released from prisons under wearing electronic shackles
Gholam Ali Mohammadi, the head of the prison organization and security measures, said: “In the prison organization, there is a center called electronic monitoring, which monitors the prisoners round the clock so that they do not go out of the specific limits defined for them.” He added: “In the year 1401 (starting March 21, 2022), we had a good growth in the use of electronic shackles; the production of shackles multiplied so that 13,000 prisoners were equipped with these electronic shackles last year (before the amnesty). A number of people who were granted amnesty were the same prisoners who were equipped with electronic shackles. About 4,000 of them were released. Mohammadi clarified: “We have now reached mass production in electronic shackles and currently there are 9 thousand people covered by it. (Mizan state-run news agency- March 24, 2023)

66-year-old political prisoner, Asadollah Hadi in dire health condition, at risk of losing his life
On Friday, March 24, 2023, political prisoner, Asadollah Hadi, in dire health condition at the Greater Tehran Prison, was taken as an emergency case to a hospital’s ICU section. He is 66 years old. It is for years that despite of suffering from heart, kidney and digestive illnesses, he is still confined in prison. He is also suffering from disc prolapse in his neck and back and arteritis in his knee…Ward complex No. 6 of the Greater Tehran Prison, being over populated, and where there is no medical attendance, sick political prisoners do not receive any medical treatment. Mr. Hadi too, is under a harsh condition and his life is in danger. On October 1, 2022, he was arrested at his home again and was transferred to ward complex No.6 of the Greater Tehran Prison. He is in a state of limbo since then. Asadollah Asadi is a laborer and is a former political prisoner of 1980s, 2000s and 2010s. (Iran Human Rights Society- March 24, 2023)

وخامت حال و تهدید جانی زندانی سیاسی ۶۶ ساله اسدالله هادی در زندان تهران بزرگ

Edris Feqhi; arbitrary disappearance for 20 months
After 20 months of detention and arbitrary disappearance of Edris Feqhi, a member of Kurdistan Free Life Party (Pezhak) by IRGC forces, concerns have risen about his faith. In a message, the mother of this political prisoner said that the security agencies have not given her a clear answer about his faith.

During the last 20 months, Edris Feqhi’s family have referred to IRGC Intelligence Organization’s detention center in Al-Mehdi garrison, the Intelligence Bureau and Urmia’s court, but so far, they have received no clear information about his faith.

On September 9, 2022, the Amnesty International issued a statement announcing that on late July of 2021, the prosecutor office’s officials, security and intelligence agents in West Azerbaijan Province have arbitrary disappeared Edris Feqhi, a 36-year-old Kurd dissident. IRGC forces shot Edris Feqhi in his leg but he was able to hide. When a great number of these forces covered the area, the IRGC forces of Hamzeh Seyyed Al-Shohada base detained him, while wounded. He was first taken to Arefian Hospital belonging to the IRGC in Urmia and then to the detention center of this military- security organization. At least two citizens, who were confined at this detention center during the last year, have seen Edris Feqhi at the infirmary of this center. (Kurdistan Human Rights Network- March 24, 2023)

بیست ماه از ناپدیدسازی قهری ادریس فقهی گذشت

Concerns rise; Tomaj Salehi, a rapper, still in custody in a state of limbo
After about five months, Tomaj Salehi, a rapper, is still under the custody of security agencies, under interrogation for forced confessions. In late November, Isfahan Province’s head of Judiciary, announced that he was indicted. Asadollah Jafari stated: “Tomaj Salehi is charged with Corruption on Earth through vastly spreading lies resulting in huge damage, having propaganda activities against the state, forming and administrating illegal groups with the intention to disrupt the country’s security, cooperation with hostile governments against the Islamic Republic, publishing lies and disrupting public opinion through the virtual space as well as inciting people to commit violence.”

Tomaj Salehi is a protest rapper from Shahin-Shahr in Isfahan Province who was formerly sentenced to six months in jail and paying a fine on charges of “offending the leadership and propagating against the state”. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners- March 24, 2023)

افزایش نگرانی‌ها از تداوم بازداشت و بلاتکلیفی توماج صالحی، هنرمند معترض رپ

Two persons of Molana Abdolghaffar Naqshbandi’s circle in detention, no new of their conditions
Military forces detained Aref Dehqani and Dadrahim Derakhsheh, two person close to Molana Naqshbandi and took them to an unknown location. They are still in a state of limbo. Tens of IRGC Intelligence forces beat and detained Aref in one of the Rusk city’s streets on December 15, 2022, without presenting any judicial order or explaining him, his accusations. Also, five IRGC Intelligence forces arbitrary detained Dadrahim on January 21, 2023, at his shop, without representing any judicial order or informing him of his accusations. They took him to an unknown location. The IRGC Intelligence forces have not permitted the two young Baluch to call their family so far. After Molana Abdolghaffar Naqshbandi was summoned to the Special Court for Clerics in Mashhad and was arbitrary disappeared, many people close to this young cleric were detained by military forces. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners- March 24, 2023)

Hossein Bayat, in a state of limbo in Zanjan Central Prison
Azerbaijani civil activist, Hossein Bayat, is still in a state of limbo in Zanjan Prison since his detention. Security forces detained Hossein Bayat on February 25, 2023, at his father’s home. He was taken to jail. Thus far, the reason of his detention and the charges against him as well as the detail of his case is not clear. The interrogator of the case has refrained from setting a bail for his temporarily release. As the security agents put pressure and threaten civil activists’ families not to inform the press about the detention or the prosecution of civil activists, there is no exact information available to the media or the public opinion about the issued sentences and the pressure that is put on these Azerbaijanian civil activists. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners- March 24, 2023)

تداوم بازداشت و بلاتکلیفی از سرنوشت حسین بیات، محبوس در زندان مرکزی زنجان

Sardar Shahmoradian, a student from Sanandaj, in a state of limbo after three months

A student from Sanandaj, Sardar Shahmoradian, is still in a state of limbo three months after his detention. He is 26, and a student of medical equipment from Science-Users University in Sanandaj City. On December 27, 2022, the forces of the Intelligence Department detained him and he was confined at the detention center of this department for two months, He was then taken to Sanandaj Central Prison. He has been deprived of his primary rights, including access to a lawyer, while in custody. (Hengaw- March 25, 2023)

Prison sentences

Teacher Ahmad Alizadeh from Abdanan sentenced to jail and exile
The first branch of Ilam Revolutionary Court has sentenced a 50-year-old teacher, Ahmad Alizadeh to six years and a day in prison on the charge of “establishing a group with more than two members with the intention to disrupt national security” and to seven months and 16 days in prison on the charge of “propagating against the state”. Other issued punishments include: two years ban on serving, two years of exile to Fonouj city of Sistan and Baluchistan, and one year deprivation of any activity in virtual space. (Hengaw, Kurdpa, March 19, 2023)


4 Kurd labor and environmental activist sentenced to jail

On Saturday, March 17, 2023, branch 3 of Urmia Revolutionary Court sentenced Abbas Hashempoor, Khalil Moradi, Ebrahim Qahremani and Bahram Javari to two years in jail charged with ‘acting against national security through membership in anti-revolution groups. On Sunday, March 12, the last hearing of the four was held under the presidency of Judge Najafzadeh. (Hengaw- March 18, 2023)

Ms. Raofeh Mirbaqeri sentenced to jail, banned from leaving the country
Women rights activist and a detainee of the nationwide protests in 2022-2023, Raofeh Mirbaqeri, is sentenced to eight months in jail and two years ban on leaving the country by Sari Revolutionary Court. According to this decree which is recently issued by Sari Revolutionary Court and imparted to Ms. Mirbaqeri, she is sentence to eight months in jail on the charge of ‘propagating against the state’ and as a complimentary punishment to two years of ban on leaving the country, becoming a member of political and social groups and forming a group. Also some of her belongings are confiscated. (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 19, 2023)

Political prisoner, Mohammad Hasani injured by Karaj Central Prison’s gurads

On the morning of Sunday, March 19, 2023, the guards of Karaj Central Prison injured political prisoner Mohammad Hosni and severely beat him. The officers injured him by hitting his head against the wall. Political prisoner Mohammad Hosni is 23 years old, a resident of Karaj and a native of Sonqor. He, who is a master’s student, was arrested and interrogated in January 2019. He was severely tortured during his detention and interrogation. This political prisoner was initially sentenced to 12 years in prison on charges of propaganda against the regime and destruction of public property, of which 6 years, the maximum sentence, can be enforced. But the Karaj Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Asef Hosseini decided to change this sentence to 12 years. This political prisoner has been in prison without a single day of leave since 2019. (Iran Human Rights Society- March 20, 2023)

Political prisoner Zainab Jalalian; her 16th Nowruz in jail
By the onset of year 1402 (starting on March 21, 2023), (Kurd political prisoner) Jainab Jalalian enters her 16th year in incarceration. She is the oldest and the only female political prisoner who is sentenced to life-in-prison in Iran. In all these years, in addition to the numerous tortures she has endured, she has been denied the right to leave even for medical treatment. From the time of her arrest in Kermanshah until today when she is in Yazd prison, she has been illegally and violently moved many times between different prisons in the country. Zeinab Jalalian is entering the 16th year of her imprisonment, according to her lawyers, according to the new Islamic penal law, approved in 2013, the continued imprisonment of their client is against the law and she should be released. (Kurdistan Human Rights Network- March 20, 2023)

Latest news on Sirus Moloudi at Adelabad Prison in Shiraz
Sirus Moloudi, a political prisoner, is serving his sentence in Adelaad prison in Shiraz. Mr. Moloudi, an athlete, was arrested in Shiraz by the security forces on April 30, 2021, and then was sentenced to one year of imprisonment and two years of exile by the Revolutionary Court. He is charged with armed actions against national security. Despite the fact that this prisoner has been included in the “amnesty” directive, the relevant authorities have told him that he will not be released. (Iran Human Rights Society- March 21, 2023)

18-year prison sentence upheld for Fatemeh Sepehri, one of the signatories of the letter requesting Khamenei’s resignation

Fateme Sepehri, one of the signatories of the letter asking for Ali Khamenei’s resignation and a civil activist, was sentenced to 18 years in prison by the appeals court of Khorasan Razavi province. Gholamhossein Dostali Makki, Fatemeh Sepehri’s lawyer, announced that the judicial system of the Islamic Republic approved the initial sentence of 18 years of imprisonment for her client and it is now enforceable. Asghar Sepehri, the brother of Mrs. Fatemeh Sepehri, announced on his Twitter account on February 21 that his sister’s sentence included “10 years of imprisonment for propaganda against the regime, five years of imprisonment for cooperation with hostile countries, two years of imprisonment for insulting Khomeini and Khamenei and one year Imprisonment for another charge (probably for assembly and collusion against the internal security of the country).” (Radio Farda, Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 24, 2023)

Arbitrary arrests

Political arrests
Member of Kurdistan Teachers Union, Soleiman Abdi, detained

On Sunday, March 19, 2023, Soleiman Abdi, a member of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union – Saqqez, was arrested by the security forces and taken to an unknown place. During the search of this trade union activist’s house, the security forces seized his mobile phone and his family members. Also, the security forces seized the laptop of Mr. Abdi’s daughter. (Kurdpa, Hengaw- March 19, 2023)

A resident of Oshnavieh abducted by state forces

On March 21, 2023, Kamran Azizi from Qareh Soqol Village in Oshnavieh was abducted by the state forces. There was no judiciary order presented for his arrest. (Hengaw- March 21, 2023)

No news of the faith of As’ad Arhani abducted by the state forces


On Saturday, March 18, 2023, Asad Arhani, from the village of “Sargiz” in Ashnoye, was kidnapped by government forces and transferred to an unknown place. This citizen was kidnapped enroute from his village to Oshnavieh by intelligence agency’s forces without the submission of any judicial order. There is no information about the fate of this citizen and his whereabouts after his abduction by government forces. (Hengaw, (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA)- March 23, 2023)

Two agents related with dissident networks arrested in Kelardasht
Kelardasht County’s chief of SSF, Mostafa Akbarnezhad announced that two agents in connection with dissident networks have been identified and detained and stated: “Following some anti-security measures, taking photos and posting them on dissident networks on internet, the issue was put on the agenda of the public security police.  After coordination with the Judiciary, the defendants were arrested in less than an hour in one of the villages of this county.”

At the end he added that posting any kind of images with criminal content or with the intention of destroying trust or disrupting public opinion, as well as immoral contents in the cyber space is a crime and is subject to prosecution. He asked the citizens: “While you need to watch over your children’s behavior, if you see any misfits and social insecurity, you need to inform 110 Police Force’s emergency center.” (Fars News Agency- March 23, 2023)

Three citizens detained in Yazd for offending an “promoting the virtue and prohibiting the vice” agent

The website belonging to the “promoting the virtue and prohibiting the vice” headquarter announced that three persons who had offended one of the headquarters’ agents in Yazd have been detained. The three have beaten the wife and daughter of a martyr (regime’s) when they enforced the virtue at Dolat Abad Garden in Yazd. They were arrested and handed over to a Judiciary official. A case was opened for them at the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor Office and is being investigated by the special branch’s investigator. (Etemad Online state-run website- March 23, 2023)

Two residents of Marivan City abducted by state forces

On Tuesday, March 22, 2023, Khalat Qaderi and Barzan Qaderi, both from “Do Pleure” village of Marivan, were abducted by government forces and taken to an unknown place. They have been kidnapped in Marivan County in relation to the Nowruz ceremony. After two days passed the kidnapping of Khalat and Barzan Qaderi, no information about their location and conditions has been made available to their relatives and families. (Hengaw- March 24, 2024)

No news of the state abducted teacher, Soleiman Abdi, from Saqqez

Almost a week has passed since the abduction of Soleiman Abdi, a teacher who is a member of the Saqqez branch of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union, and his fate and whereabouts have not been made available. The Saqqez Intelligence Agency provides misleading information in response to the constant follow-ups of his colleagues and family. In every referral of this family to the agency it mentions a different address as the place of his captivity. On Sunday, March 19, 2023, Soleiman Abdi was arrested at his workplace by the forces of the Saqqez Intelligence Department and taken to an unknown location. (Hengaw- March 24, 2023)

Basic freedom and rights abused

Municipality agents stormed peddlers in the last days of the Persian year

ویدئو – حمله ماموران شهرداری به دستفروشان در روزهای پایانی سال

The municipality agents of Gorgan with the support of the SSF attacked the peddlers of this city, but with the resistance of a brave woman, they could not do anything. These agents are thugs who only allow the peddlers to work if they pay them. With the spread of poverty and unemployment, peddling has become an integral part of people’s lives. Peddlers are more an economic problem rather than a social phenomenon. With the deterioration of the country’s economic situation, the number of peddlers is increasing daily. They choose this work as a last resort to save themselves from poverty and miseary. Some of the peddlers have high educational qualifications, even at the doctorate level. (Iran Human Rights Society- March 20, 2023)

The presidential administration did not pay the salaries of many teachers until the end of the last year
During the year 1401 (ending on March 20, 2023), different cities of Iran were the scene of massive protests by teachers against the non-implementation of the rating plan. The March salary of teachers in different cities of Iran was still not paid until the last day of 1401. The authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a traditional procedure, blamed their negligence and irresponsibility in various matters to ” Influential factors” and “enemies” attribute, the Ministry of Education is considered the largest government ministry in terms of salary payments, with hundreds of thousands of current salary earners and millions of retirees. (Radio Farda- March 21, 2023)

Freedom of speech and opinion
Request of the International Federation of Journalists: release all journalists imprisoned in Iran
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supported the request of the Tehran Province Journalists Association (TPJA) and called on the Iranian authorities to release all the imprisoned journalists and stop the repression of the media and ensure the free flow of information. Six months have passed since the beginning of nationwide protests after the suspicious death of Mahsa Amini on September 16th of last year, fifteen journalists are still behind bars. Anthony Belanger, Secretary General of the International Federation of Journalists, said: “We remind once again the Iranian authorities of their international obligations towards human rights and freedom of speech, which all Iranian citizens should enjoy, including journalists. We urge them to immediately release all journalists and media workers who are held behind bars for simply doing their job.”

Sixty-two other journalists who were arrested during the protests of the last six months have been released, most of them on bail awaiting trial. Some journalists have also faced heavy court sentences ranging from one year to 18 years in prison, apart from that the punishments include social services, flogging, restrictions on leaving the country, and bans on working as journalists. In the last six months, more than 100 journalists have been arrested, imprisoned or summoned. (Campaign in Defense of Political and Civil Prisoners- March 20, 2023)

You can find the original article on IFJ website dated March 16, 2023, at:

The arrest and prosecution of Mohammad Rokni, journalist and media activist, by the security forces in Qeshm Island

بازداشت و تفهیم اتهام محمد رکنی، خبرنگار و فعال رسانه‌ای توسط نیروهای امنیتی در جزیره قشم

In early March of 2023, Mohammad Rokni, a journalist and media activist, a resident of Qeshm Island, was arrested after being summoned to one of the police forces in this city. The reason for summoning Mr. Rokni is the publication of the paycheck of one of the board members of Abfa Azad Qeshm Company. After this journalist went to the police station, he was arrested on the charge of (spreading lies) and for a period of 1 month, he was banned from any activities in cyberspace. Mohammad Rokni is one of the journalists who has more than 20 years of experience in media activities. (Campaign to Defend Political and Civil Prisoners- March 22, 2023)

Right to life
Lack of safety measures; death and injury of 27 laborers
Due to lack of safety environment and working conditions, twenty-seven workers had accidents in Mashhad, Tehran and Isfahan. During these incidents, two workers lost their lives and twenty-five workers were injured. Iran ranks 102 among countries in the world in terms of compliance with work safety issues, which is a very low rank. (Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) – March 20, 2023)

271 people died in road accidents in the last 5 days!
According to the report of the social group of the news agency, during the last 5 days of 1401, a total of 29,204 cases of accidents leading to damage, 4,583 accidents leading to injuries, 6,102 injuries, 231 cases of fatal accidents and 271 deaths were registered. (Tasnim state-run news agency- March 21, 2023)

The death of 325 persons in accidents last week
Kamal Hadianfar, head of FARAJA traffic police, announcing the death of 325 people in accidents, in an interview with ISNA, said: “From March 15, 2023, till yesterday (March 21) a total of 267 fatal accidents have occurred, among which 325 of our compatriots have lost their lives.” Referring to the injuries of about 7,000 people in accidents, he said: “More than 182 million commutes have been recorded on the roads during this period.” (ISNA state-run news agency- March 22, 2023)

385 died in road accidents
The head of the FARAJA traffic police announced that 385 people lost their lives due to accidents on the country’s roads until yesterday. In a TV program explaining the latest state of the country’s roads, Seyyed Kamal Hadianfar said: “There have been 25 million commutes between provinces and cities on this Nowruz till yesterday. This figure has increased by 54% compared to 1400 (starting March 21, 2021) and by 11% compared to 1401 (starting March 21, 2022). Traffic police chief emphasized: “Unfortunately, until yesterday, we had 385 deaths due to accidents and 7100 are injured, that is, 40 people have lost their lives in road accidents every day.” (ISNA state-run news agency- March 24, 2023)

Free access to internet
The first filtering in year 1402, Roydad 24 news website out of reach!

Last night, on the third day of year 1402 (starting on March 21, 2023), Roydad 24 news website was out of reach ordered by the Filtering Committee. Roydad 24 wrote that this unexpected act was carried out during the Nowruz holidays without any notice or summoning. It is not clear that this hasty act has been ordered by whom and for posting what news. (Etemad Online state-run website- March 24, 2023)

Suppressive maneuvers
55 shops closed down for eating in Ramadan
The chief of Khuzestan Province’s SSF, Department for Sites’ Control announced that 55, violating guilds in Ahvaz have been closed down in accordance with the Ramadan and the obligation to confront eating in public in this month.

Colonel Mohammad Hossein Mohammadvand added that this plan (contoling the guilds), will be carried out all around the Khuzestan Province until the end of Ramadan. (Tabnak state-run website- March 24, 2023)

Families of the victims of 1988 massacre gathered in Khavaran Cemetery in Tehran
A group of families of the victims of group executions in 1988, were able to be present on the last days of year 1401 (ending on March 21, 2023) at Khavaran Cemetery by the graves of unknown victims, despite security measures to prevent it. They put flowers and the photos of the victims on these graves to commemorate them. During the executions of 1980s, the Islamic Republic did not permit the bodies of the executed political prisoners, seculars and leftists to be buried in Muslim’s cemeteries. Thus a number of them were buried in Khavaran Cemetery outside Tehran. Thousands political prisoners were executed on the direct order of Rohollah Khomeni, then leader of the Islamic Republic and by the decision of the “death commission” in the summer of 1988. Some of these executed victims from Tehran and Karaj were buried in group graves in Khavaran Cemetery. The “Justice Seeking Movement” in Iran which has become a widespread movement during recent years formed after 1980s, especially after the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 by resilient mothers and fathers of the victims.

Due to secrecy of these executions by the Islamic Republic, the exact number of these executions is not known. (Radio Farda- March 19, 2023)

Mehsa Amini’s family asks the International Criminal Court to “prosecute” the authorities of the Islamic Republic
Erfan Mortezaei, the cousin of Mahsa Amini, the young woman whose death sparked the protests of the last six months, says that Mahsa’s family wants the International Criminal Court to prosecute the authorities of the Islamic Republic. Mr. Mortezaei, who recently went to Europe after being threatened by the Iranian government said in an inteview with “ITV” news channel in Britain that Mahsa Amini’s family wants the prosecution of the officials of the Islamic Republic by the International Criminal Court. He also said that Mahsa Amini’s family has been threatened that their son will be arrested if they have an interview with the media, their son will be arrested too and they don’t want to lose their other child too. (VOA- March 20, 2023)

Secretary General of Construction Agents Party (Kargozaran Sazandegi Party): 75% of Iranian people are dissatisfied

Seyyed Hossein Marashi, Secretary General of Construction Agents Party, saying that “75% of Iranian people are dissatisfied and if they take to the streets, no one would be able to stop them”, stated: “The Islamic Republic should not rely on the minority of its staunch supporters, it should return to the society and have the overwhelming majority of society with it.” (Etemad Online state-run website- March 20, 2023)

10 poisoned by gas in a wedding

The governor of Siahkal announced that 10 people were ill due to gas inhalation in a wedding ceremony. Amin Babaei stated: “On Tuesday evening, 10 of the guests at a wedding party fell ill after inhaling gas and went to the hospital. He stated that these women were immediately transferred to the emergency section of Ghadir Siahkal Hospital and were treated.” He added: “Eight people were discharged from the hospital after medical examinations and treatment.”

Siahkal’s Governor clarified: “The exact cause of the accident and the authenticity of the gas release in the wedding ceremony are under investigation by law enforcement and security authorities.” (ILNA state-run news agency- March 22, 2023)

Violence against women
Hossein Shariatmadari: End this tumult of “not complying with hijab”
The general director of Kayhan Daily, Hossein Shariatmadari wrote: “End this tumult of “not complying with hijab”. There is a potential that a damaging event might take place. People might act to confront this misfit. We must follow all the leads of this ‘not complying with the hijab’ to reach the main core of it. As the officials don’t pay enough attention to the issue of not complying with the veil, it might lead to this misfit to spread. It is not far from anticipation the not God willing, this wrong vision might spread amongst the youth that not complying with the hijab is not against the Sharia and the law. (Entekhab state-run website- March 19, 2023)

Human Rights Yearly Reports

A brief look at the violation of human rights during the past year
In year 1401 (beginning on March 21, 2022) violation of human rights has clearly continued in Islamic Republic. According to the census and publication center of HRANA, from March 21, 2022- March 16, 2023, there has been 29688 political and belief detentions most of it during the recent months’ protests, in addition to that, 34 detentions have been in relation with the lifestyle of people.

28419 detentions were related to freedom of belief and speech, 193 cases of detainees were minors, 56 were laborers of labor activists, 258 cases were guild activists, 169 cases were religious minorities, 328 cases were women activists, 6 of them were cultural activists, 24 cases were environmental activists and 235 detentions were ethnic ones.

Though the accusation of 192 detainees are not determined but according to the signs and former actions of security agencies in the aforementioned regions they must be ethnical-national arrests.

Execution in Iran is one of the most clear cases of violation of human rights. In year 1401 at least 617 persons including 13 women and six child-offenders have been executed, an 80% rise in comparison with the year before. Among these executions, two were carried out in public. Also, during this time interval 136 other persons have been sentenced to jail; six of them sentenced to be executed in public.

It is clear that the figures given cannot completely frame the human rights condition in Iran as the Islamic Republic does not permit independent human rights defenders’ organizations to have free activities and to access the necessary sources. (Human Rights Activist News Agency (HRANA) – March 18, 2023)

Hengaw statistical report on the human rights situation in Kurdistan during the year 1401

During the year 1401 (starting on March 21, 2022), at least 66 Kurd citizens were executed, and more than 8,000 citizens were arrested, 207 of them were tried and sentenced to death, imprisonment and flogging. During this period, 262 Kolbars and businessmen as well as 132 civilians were killed, 28 civilians were killed due to mine explosions, and 23 prisoners died in Kurdistan prisons. Also, 43 workers died due to work accidents. During the year 1401, at least 66 Kurd citizens were executed in Iranian prisons. Last year, at least 4 political prisoners were executed. Also, 21 cases have been sentenced to death on charges of intentional murder, 39 cases on charges of drug-related crimes, and 2 cases on charges of armed robbery and their sentences have been executed. Last year, at least two women were executed in Urmia and Sanandaj prisons. During the year 1401, at least 120 Kurd citizens were killed by direct fire from the Iranian armed forces, 114 of which were recorded during the Zhina (Mahsa Amini) Revolution. Also, during this revolution, at least 12 Kurd citizens were killed by batons and tear gas by the armed forces. Out of the total of 120 people, 15 were children and teenagers under the age of 18. In 1401, at least 23 prisoners died in the prisons of Kurdistan. 12 of them died under torture and 14 of these cases were political prisoners. Also, 5 prisoners died due to lack of medical treatment. (Hengaw- March 19, 2023)

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