Iran deal can’t be ‘postponed any longer’: Germany’s Scholz
AFP, March 2, 2022
Jerusalem (AFP) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Wednesday that a new Iran nuclear agreement “cannot be postponed any longer”, during a visit to Israel which staunchly opposes efforts to forge a deal.
“What we would like to see is that an agreement is reached in Vienna,” Scholz told reporters alongside Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, a vocal critic of the international talks in Austria’s capital.
“Now is the time to make a decision,” Scholz said. “This must not be postponed any longer and cannot be postponed any longer. Now is the time to finally say yes to something that represents a good and reasonable solution.” read more
Attack on Ukraine and the War of Occupation Is Condemned
NCR Iran, February 25, 2022
The support of Ali Khamenei’s Friday prayer leaders, Ebrahim Raisi (the henchman of the 1988 massacre and current president of the regime), and his Foreign Minister for the attack and the occupation on Ukraine, which has been left alone, lays bare the expansionist nature of this unjust war for the Iranian people.
Seventy-seven years after World War II, a new era has begun and the clerical regime ruling Iran is seeking to take advantage of it. The helpless people of Ukraine, especially the civilians, deserve effective and comprehensive support. Sanctions alone are not enough. read more
UN human rights experts urge Iran to abandon restrictive internet bill, March 2, 2022
GENEVA (1 March 2022) – UN human rights experts have called on the Government of Iran to abandon its efforts to enact a new law that would effectively isolate the country from the global internet.
The Iranian Parliament may soon ratify the “Regulatory System for Online Services Bill” – more commonly referred to as the “User Protection Bill” – and adopt the legislation in mid-March by invoking a constitutional provision that permits the regular parliamentary process to be circumvented.
Initially proposed in 2018, the bill grants the Government and army extensive control over infrastructure that connects Iran to the global internet. If enacted, the legislation will force technology companies to “follow state guidelines” or be subject to bandwidth throttling and blocking. read more
U.S. says Iranian ‘MuddyWater’ cyber actors targeting various sectors worldwide
Reuters, February 24, 2022
WASHINGTON, Feb 24 (Reuters) – Iran-linked cyber operations are targeting a range of government and private-sector organizations in multiple sectors across Asia, Africa, Europe and North America, U.S. security and law enforcement agencies said in an notice on Thursday.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), along with British and other U.S. authorities, said they had observed Iranian actors known as “MuddyWater” conducting malicious cyber operations targeting telecommunications, defense, local government, and the oil and natural gas sectors. read more
Iran: Tortured Kurdish men at risk of execution
The Hill, February 22, 2022
Anwar Khezri, Ayoub Karimi, Davoud Abdollahi, Farhad Salimi, Ghassem Abesteh, Kamran Sheikheh and Khosrow Basharat, all from Iran’s Kurdish Sunni minority, are at risk of execution at Raha’i Shahr prison, near Tehran. They were convicted of “corruption on earth” (efsad-e fel-arz) and sentenced to death in grossly unfair trials marred by claims of torture to extract “confessions”. read more
Members of Congress addressing OIAC Bipartisan Congressional Iran Briefing 2022 from the State of California

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