Thursday, January 11, 2018
Number of Days: 16
Number of Cities: 132
Number of Provinces: 31
Number of Protesters Killed: 55
Number of Protesters Wounded: Hundreds
Number of Protesters Detained: Over 8,000

Iran Uprising: Tehran – MEK activists hang banner of Maryam Rajavi from a major over pass – Dec. 2017

Iran Uprising: Tehran, Evin Prison – Families protest, demand immediate release of their loved ones – January 9, 2018

Iran Uprising: Tehran, Evin Prison – hundreds of families protest, demand release of their loved ones, January 9, 2018

Iran Uprising: Southwestern city of Koohdasht – Writings slogans against Khamenei

Iran Uprising: The Campaign of deserting regime’s repressive forces – Basij member burns his membership card – January 2018
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Number of Days: 14
Number of Cities: 132
Number of Provinces: 31
Number of Protesters Killed: 55
Number of Protesters Wounded: Hundreds
Number of Protesters Detained: Over 3,700
Office of the Press Secretary
January 10, 2018
Statement by the Press Secretary on Iran Protests
The Trump Administration is deeply concerned by reports that the Iranian regime has imprisoned thousands of Iranian citizens in the past week for engaging in peaceful protests. Further reports that the regime has tortured or killed some of these demonstrators while in detention are even more disturbing. We will not remain silent as the Iranian dictatorship represses the basic rights of its citizens and will hold Iran’s leaders accountable for any violations. The protesters in Iran are expressing legitimate grievances, including demanding an end to their government’s oppression, corruption, and waste of national resources on military adventurism. Iran’s regime claims to support democracy, but when its own people express their aspirations for better lives and an end to injustice, it once again shows its true brutal nature. The United States calls for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Iran, including the victims of the most recent crackdown.

Tehran – Protest by hundreds of families of detainees in front of Evin prison demanding their release

Tehran – Demonstration of hundreds of families of detainees in front of Evin prison, January 9, 2018

Iran Uprising: A member of Basij paramilitary force, burns his membership card, January 2018

Iran Uprising: Southwestern City of Ahvaz, Security forces run away from angry protesters – January 9, 2018
US House of Representatives
The House passes H. Res. 676 almost unanimously 415 to 2.
“Supporting the rights of the people of Iran to free expression, condemning the Iranian regime for its crackdown on legitimate protests”
Iran’s Protests – Tuesday, January 9, 2018
#IranProtests- Mike Pompeo ,CIA director- Jan08,2018
#IranProtests- Fox News interview on Recent protests in Iran- CIA director stated: Iranian protests is at the start point and will not never stop.

#IranProtests- Mike Pompeo ,CIA director- Jan08,2018- On recent uprisings, in Iran
#IranProtests Newt Gingrich the former Speaker of the House speech at Rally WH, Jan06,2018
Newt Gingrich the former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999 supports Iranian protesters against Iranian brutal government.

#IranProtests Newt Gingrich the former Speaker of the House speech at Rally WH, Jan06,2018.
Newt Gingrich & Congressman Tom Garrett are among speakers at a rally outside the White House
American News
Newt Gingrich & Congressman Tom Garrett are among speakers at a rally outside the White House in support of Iran protests.

Newt Gingrich & Congressman Tom Garrett are among speakers at a rally outside the White House
#IranProtests Ahvaz, Khozestan province, Jan 06,2018- Iran Security Forces retreat.
#IranProtests, Ahvaz, Khozestan province, Iran Security guard is not able to stop brave protesters. Security Forces Retreat as Protesters approach.

#IranProtests Ahvaz, Khozestan province, Jan 06,2018- Iran Security Forces retreat.
#IranProtests – Sistan and Baloochestan- Kids chanting down to Khamenei, after School, Jan07,2018
#IranProtests, People of Iran has broken through the fear of brutal dictatorship. Middle school students in Iran are shouting Down With Khameneie after school closure.

#IranProtests – Sistan and Baloochestan- Kids chanting down to Khamenei, after School, Jan07,2018
#IranProtests- Fareed Zakaria CNN reporter, On Iran’s recent uprisings
#IranProtests, Fareed Zakaria well known CNN reporter, explain about Iranian recent protests: Chaos produces to return to repression, or Collapse of State.

#IranProtests- Fareed Zakaria CNN reporter, On Iran’s recent uprisings
#IranProtests Gilan e Gharb, Western Kermanshah Province, Jan06,2018
Jan. 6 ppl capture a regime agent, but let him go. They chant, no fear, we are all together. Organization of Iranian American Communities.

#IranProtests Gilan e Gharb, Western Kermanshah Province, Jan06,2018
PS. Explain This: Iran’s Unrest
Project Syndicate
When Iran agreed in 2015 to halt its nuclear weapons program, ordinary Iranians expected rapid economic improvement with the lifting of strict international sanctions. More than two years later, most Iranians remain no better off. Today, that fact, and the sense of hopelessness it is inciting, is costing the government something money can’t buy.

PS. Explain This: Iran’s Unrest
Iran’s Protests – Monday, January 8, 2018
Voicing Support for Iranian People’s Uprising
Fox News | January 6, 2018 | Across the White House
Organization of Iranian American Communities – OIAC
#IranProtests- Eric Shawn reports: Calls for Iran freedom here in the US

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on Iran Protests 5 jan 18
Unity 4 Iran
United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley on Iran Protests: “The Iranian people will determine their own destiny. And let there be no doubt whatsoever, the United States stands unapologetically with those in Iran who seek freedom for themselves, prosperity for their families and dignity for their nation.”

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley on Iran Protests 5 jan 18
#IranProtests – Araak,Iran, Iranian people occupied the governmental buildings- Jan 5, 2018
Protesters in Arak, 170 Miles South of Tehran, Occupied The official and governmental Building Today, Friday, Jan 5, 2018. Organization of Iranian American Communities-OIAC

#IranProtests -Araak,Iran, Iranian people occupied the governmental buildings- Jan5,2018
#IranProtests – Tabriz, Iran, Protesters are not afraid of Security Forces- Jan 5, 2018
Jan05, 2018- People in Tabriz joined the other cities to protest. Tabriz is always important in Iran’s history. Tabriz taking a part in the uprising is a big victory for Iranian people.

#IranProtests,Tabriz, Iran, Protesters are not afraid of Security Forces- Jan 05,2018
#IranProtests – Shiraz, Iran, Jan 4, 2018 Security Forces vehicle On Fire
Security Forces fled the scene when they could not stop the protestors using force and opening fire on them. Angry protestors light up Security forces Vehicle in Shiraz, one of the biggest city in Iran. Jan 04, 2018 Thursday night.

#IranProtests – Shiraz, Iran, Jan 4, 2018 Security Forces vehicle On Fire
Iranian Americans voice support for the Iranian people’s uprising
Across from the White House 1/6/2018
Iran’s Protests – Sunday, January 7, 2018

Iran’s Protests – Saturday, January 6, 2018
Iran’s Protests – Tuesday, January 4, 2018

Some call Trump’s Iran protest tweets striking turnabout from Obama era
Anti-regime street protests grow, demanding democracy and freedom
Fox News – By Ben Evansky – December 30, 2017
Estimates say that up to one million Iranians have been protesting across the country since Thursday in what one Iranian opposition group says has turned into a protest for regime change.
Those protesters are being buoyed by messages from the Trump administration, says the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a coalition of democratic Iranian groups and personalities.
In two tweets earlier Saturday, President Donald Trump offered up a message of hope to the protesters: “The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran’s people are what their leaders fear the most…”
Trump added: “Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. The World is watching!”
According to reports, the protests have brought some bloodshed, with at least two people being shot and killed by Iranian Revolutionary Guards who opened fire on protesters in the city of Dorud.
In the country’s capital city of Tehran, video provided to Fox News by the NCRI showed protesters fending off tear gas from the police. Other videos show them burning posters of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei.
Chanted slogans included many calls for independence and freedom from an Islamic Republic. They also offered pointed commentary on Iranian involvement in foreign lands: “Leave Syria, think about us,” “Death to Hezbollah,” and “Forget about Gaza and Lebanon: I’ll sacrifice my life for Iran,” protesters shouted, according to the NCRI.
In Arak on Saturday, protesters occupied the governor’s office. Arak has a population of over half a million and houses a heavy water reactor that was used by its nuclear program.
While there is no word of the administration having talks with opposition parties, Ali Safavi, an official in the Washington office of the NCRI, told Fox News that messages of support from the Trump administration are a big change from how the Obama administration handled the 2009 popular uprising.
Safavi said: “When millions of Iranians poured onto the streets in 2009, the Obama administration reached out to the Supreme Leader Khamenei, enabling him and his president to suppress the uprising. President Trump’s expression of support for the Iranian people and his condemnation of the arrests of the protesters send an encouraging signal to all those who want to see Iran liberated from the yoke of the medievalist mullahs.”
According a translation given to Fox News by the NCRI, Iranian media reported that Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani was quoted as asking people “to not participate in such unlawful gatherings because they cause trouble for themselves and other citizens.”
Another news agency affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps was quoted as saying the chants shouted by the protesters were “very similar to the ones chanted during the 2009 sedition.”
Maryam Rajavi, the head of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, released a statement in which she saluted the bravery of the protesters. She said, in part, “The ongoing protests in different cities against the regime reveal the explosive state of Iranian society and the people’s desire for regime change.”
Rajavi’s statement said Iranian’s have loudly rejected the mullah’s regime: “The Iranian people demand the overthrow of the ruling religious dictatorship. It is their right to topple this repressive regime. And I emphasize: regime change in Iran is within reach.”
#IranProtestsTehran, Iran, Jan03, 2018 Protests have spread out throughout the Capital
Iran- Tehran: Extension of demonstrations to all district in Tehran.
Anti-Government Rallies are growing very fast, Regime cannot put up with the speed and volume.

#IranProtests-Tehran, Iran, Jan03, 2018 Protests have spread out throughout the Capital
Press Release
Iranian Americans to voice support
for the Iranian people’s uprising
Across from the White House
Iranian Americans will hold a rally outside the White House to voice support for the uprising by hundreds of thousands of Iranians in more than 50 cities across the nation.
The event is scheduled for:
Saturday, January 6, 2018 12:30 – 2:00 pm
Many cities across Iran have been the scenes of widespread protests by Iranians, calling for the overthrow of the ruling regime. They have been chanting
“death to Khamenei, death to Rouhani”
Organization of the Iranian American Communities – US
January 1, 2017
Iranians defy regime as wave of protest spreads
Hannah Lucinda Smith, Istanbul – January 1, 2018
Older people came out to protest at the plundering of their pensions. Youths vented fury at the high unemployment rate. Others demanded to know why their government was spending billions of pounds each year fighting in Syria while they struggled to pay the rent.
This cauldron of simmering resentment boiled over into a fourth day of mass protests against the regime in Iran yesterday, in more than 40 cities and towns. They were apparently undeterred by the threat of an “iron fist” issued earlier in the day by the head of the Revolutionary Guard, charged with protecting Iran’s Islamic theocracy.
Last night, President Rouhani said that Iranians had the right to protest and criticise the authorities but warned: “The government will show no tolerance for those who damage public properties, violate public order and create unrest in the society.”
He has called an emergency meeting with his parliamentary officials in an effort to quell the largest challenge to the regime since 2009. Financial woes, which are driving the opposition, will top the agenda when they meet today.
“The main focus will be on economic issues and the sides will make efforts to take effective measures to resolve economic and livelihood issues,” Mohammad Reza Pourebrahimi, secretary of Iran’s co-ordinating council of parliament commissions, said.
Such steps may be too little, too late, however. Spiralling inflation has sent the cost of basic commodities soaring, with the price of eggs, for example, doubling in the past week. The rocketing cost of renting a home has locked even the middle classes out of the market.
One young Iranian professional said that she had been priced out of uptown Tehran by “disgusting” price rises. “People pay about £18,500 as a deposit, with rent from £925 to £4,500 a month. Midtown to downtown rent is about £200 a month for 50 to 80 sq m — but you just don’t want to live there, you will die of the pollution.”
This is not the first time that Iranians have defied a ban to protest against the regime, but now they appear to have support from a broader spectrum of the population than in 2009, when tens of thousands of people joined rallies in central Tehran to voice their dismay at the victory of the hardliner Mahmoud Ahmedinejad in the presidential elections. However, the “green revolution” withered after a crackdown by the security forces in which more than 100 people were killed and 10,000 arrested. This time there is no talk of support for a moderate alternative within the framework of the system: the protesters are chanting their opposition against the regime, including Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader.
Mr Rouhani is battling behind the scenes to navigate a way out of the increasing problems but Iran’s state media is falling back on the narratives of foreign meddling and nefarious forces to explain away the protests. The state-sponsored newspaper Kayhan claimed yesterday that Israel was behind the tide of protest that has spread across the country since Thursday and state television pinned the blame on “counter-revolution groups and foreign media”. The report added: “They are continuing their organised efforts to misuse the people’s economic and livelihood problems and their legitimate demands to provide an opportunity for unlawful gatherings and chaos.”
The authorities blocked public access to Instagram and the secure messaging app Telegram as the protests continued yesterday, justifying it as an attempt to “restore peace” — but such tactics may no longer be enough to contain a disparate protest movement that is rapidly morphing into an uprising.
“Everyone is worried because there is almost no leadership, but personally I think it is a good thing. It makes it harder to contain,” Kaveh Nematipour, who fled Iran after taking part in the protests in 2009, said. “People have lost faith in reforms. That can be very dangerous.”
In a further embarrassment for the country’s rulers, the protests have reached Tehran — coinciding with an annual parade organised by the authorities to mark the end of the “sedition” of the green revolution.
“Iranians are pissed off with their regime and they will use literally any opportunity to profess that unhappiness in public,” Mr Nematipour said. “The pace at which things have escalated is breathtaking. Last time they gave things about five or six days before they started to cause casualties.”
Such sentiments will confound analysts who warned that President Trump’s renewed hard line on Iran, after the warming of relations during the Obama years, would serve only to galvanise the regime. Mr Trump has repeatedly pledged to tear up the deal brokered by his predecessor, which would have lifted US economic sanctions on Iran in return for it halting its development of nuclear weapons.
Government offices and shops in Tehran have been torched
The blockade stops American companies conducting almost any business in Iran and similar sanctions have been imposed by the EU. The measures have hurt Iran’s economy and the pockets of its people — but their anger now appears to be directed towards their regime rather than the West.
“While the overwhelming majority of the people of Iran are suffering from poverty, inflation and unemployment, most of the country’s wealth and revenues is spent on military and security apparatuses and military and regional interventions, or is being looted by the regime leaders or goes into their bank accounts,” said Maryam Rajavi, president-elect of the Paris-based opposition movement the National Resistance Council of Iran.
December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017
Press Release
Iranians to voice support for the Iranian people uprising outside the White House
Iranian Americans will hold a rally outside the White House to voice support for the three-day long uprising by hundreds of thousands of Iranians in more than 40 cities across the nation.
The event is scheduled for Sunday, December 31, 2017, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm.
Tehran, Mashhad, Kermanshah, Shiraz, Isfahan, Arak, Karaj, Sari, Rasht and many other cities have been the scenes of widespread protests by Iranians, calling for the overthrow of the ruling regime. They have been chanting “death to Khamenei, death to Rouhani,”; “Reformer, Hardliner, the game in now over.”
Organization of the Iranian American Communities
December 30, 2017
Some Video’s of Iran’s recent Protests in more than 30 cities:
The People of Iran Are Protesting Again. White House is Supportive.
Iran Protests:Tehran – 30 December 2017 – Anti-government protests continue for third day.
Iran news in brief, 30 December 2017
Iran Protests: Kermanshah, Dec 30, 2017 – Third day of Public protest
December 29, 2017
Paul RyanVerified account @SpeakerRyan
FollowFollow @SpeakerRyan
Important that we support the nonviolent protesters in #Iran. This is the result of a regime more focused on propping up terrorist organizations than addressing the plight of its citizens.
12:55 PM – 29 Dec 2017
On Friday, December 29, 2017, thousands of protesters took to the streets in 12 cities across Iran, including in Qom, to demonstrate against the clerical regime and the rising cost of living.
Friday’s protests followed similar demonstrations in various Iranian cities a day earlier, including Iran’s second most populous city Mashhad, where thousands of Iranians took to the street and chanted slogans against the clerical regime.
According to reports, repressive state security forces attacked protesters in Mashhad and arrested more than 100 protesters.
Slogans during t No to the Islamic Republic”, “Death to the Dictator”, “Death to Rouhani” and “Seyed Ali shame on you, give up the rule”.
The popular anti-regime protests also protested the regime’s policies in support of terrorism and destabilising activities in the region. The chants included “Leave Syria, think about us”, “Not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran” and “Death to Hezbollah”.
Participants also encouraged fellow countrymen to join the protests by chanting “don’t be scared, we are all together”, “Guns, Tanks, Explosives; the mullahs must get lost” and “Free Political Prisoners”.
The protests continued late into Friday night in many Iranian cities with repressive security forces attacking protesters, according to the Iranian opposition, the PMOI’s network inside Iran.
In city of Shiraz (southern Iran) protesters shouted at the State Security Forces and told them “Go and arrest the thieves” a reference to widespread corruptions in the country.
On Friday, speaking in so-called Friday payers, the representative of Supreme Leader in Mashhad, Alamolhoda, said a few people had taken advantage of yesterday’s protests against rising prices to raise slogans against Iran’s involvement in regional conflicts.
“Some people had come to express their demands, but suddenly, in a crowd of hundreds, a small group that did not exceed 50, shouted deviant and horrendous slogans such as ‘Let go of Palestine’, ‘Not Gaza, not Lebanon, I’d give my life for Iran’” ,Alamolhoda said.
NCRI President-elect, Maryam Rajavi, praised the brave protesters who have risen up with chants of “death or freedom” and “death to the dictator” to protest against high prices, poverty and corruption in the country.
“The lion’s share of the Iran’s wealth and revenues is spent on military and security apparatus, war and intervention in the region, or is plundered by the regime’s leaders and deposited in their children’s accounts”, she added describing the ongoing protests as the Iranian people’s great uprising to overthrow the mullahs’ oppressive and corrupt dictatorship.
“Uprisings of Kermanshah and Mashhad and other cities are death knell for the corrupt dictatorship of mullahs, and the rise of democracy, justice and popular sovereignty”, she said.
In a statement on Thursday, 28 December 2017, the US Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) expressed solidarity with Iranians speaking out against the regime.
“Even after the billions in sanctions relief they secured through the nuclear deal, the ayatollahs still can’t provide for the basic needs of their own people-perhaps because they’ve funneled so much of that money into their campaign of regional aggression in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen. The protests in Mashhad show that a regime driven by such a hateful ideology cannot maintain broad popular support forever, and we should support the Iranian people who are willing to risk their lives to speak out against it”, the senator said in his statement.
Media coverage
Daily Mail 29 December 2017: ‘Death to the dictator’: Thousands of protesters in Iran attack president and mullahs in second day of clashes as demonstrations spread to eight cities
Daily and Sunday Express 28 December 2017: Iran protesters chanting ‘DEATH to Rouhani’ CLASH with state security forces
Al Arabiya English 28 December 2017: Protesters in Iran raise slogans against Rouhani, Supreme Leader
Chronology of recent protests in Iran
Uprising No to High Prices-No. 7: Uprising in Iranian Cities Is Death Knell for Mullahs’ Regime: Maryam Rajavi
Uprising No to High Prices-No. 6: Kermanshah: Demonstration With Slogans “Death to the Dictator” And “Bread; Job; Freedom”
Uprising No to High Prices – No. 5: Military and Security Forces in Full Alert in Fear of the Continuation of the Mashhad Uprising
Uprising No to High Prices-No. 4: Iran: Arrest of More Than 100 Protesters in Mashhad
Uprising No to High Prices-No. 3: Iran: Mashhad Uprising Spreads to Neyshabour, Kashmar, Shahrood, Birjand, Noshahr and Yazd
Uprising No to High Prices-No. 2: Iran: 10,000 People Demonstrate in Mashhad Chanting “Death to the Dictator” “No to High Prices”
Uprising No to High Prices-No. 1: Uprising in Mashhad, Against the High Cost of Living, People Chanting “Death to the Dictator”, “Death to Rouhani”
Some short clips from today’s protests in Iran posted on social media:
Want to know the explosive state of affairs in #Iran? Look at this short clip. A young woman chants “death to Khamenei” to the face of State Security Forces. and people cheer up. #Iranprotests According to PMOI/MEK networks, there were protests in more than 12 cities:
There were protests in at least 12 cities across #Iran today including in Qom. As @Maryam_Rajavi pointed out, the Iranian people are clearly demanding the overthrow of the regime. In Qazvin young people chanted: “Guns, Tanks, Explosives; the mullahs must get lost” #Iranprotests
Major demonstration in #Shiraz the third most populous city of #Iran and the capital of #Fars province is still going on and people chant ‘guns, tanks, explosives do not work any more and mullahs must get lost’ #FreeIran
Massive demonstration in #Rasht provincial city of #Gilan in North of #Iran defy mullahs regime’s security forces tonight #Regimechange #FreeIran
A new clip from #Kermanshah protest, where the suppressive forces are beating up protesters. According to PMOI/MEK network in #Iran, thousands took part in Kermanshah anti-regime protest today. #FreeIran
Please listen to young people in Qom, chanting “No to the Islamic Republic”, “death to Rouhani”, challenging the regime in its entirety. Protests in scores of cities throughout #Iran for the 2nd day. Information has been provided by the network of the PMOI/MEK in Iran #FreeIran