Organization of Iranian American Communities- US strongly condemns the execution of two political prisoner brothers, Razgar (Habibullah) and Ali Afshari, 26 and 34 years old, in Orumiyeh. Two brothers were hanged at dawn on Thursday, February 19. OIAC expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and to the People of Kurdistan, especially the young combatants in this region.
OIAC calls on International Communities and the UN Secretary General, the Security Council and all human rights organizations to condemn these brutal executions and to take binding measures against brutal and systematic violation of human rights, and especially to save the lives of other political prisoners facing execution.
Ali Afshari, the older brother, who was injured during the arrest by Regime’s Force’s bullet, was in critical condition due to infection of his wounds, but the Mullahs refused to provide minimum medical treatments. Afshari brothers, from the city of Mahabad (in Iranian Kurdistan), were arrested in early 2011 along with two other brothers, Jaafar and Vali, and were tortured for months and were sentenced to death in the clerical regime’s sham courts under the fabricated charge of “Moharebeh” (waging war against God).
They were among the hunger striking political prisoners in Orumiyeh prison and for this reason were threatened by the regime’s henchmen that if they continued their strike, their death sentences would be carried out.
Four other members of the Afshari family are still in prison.