To support #IranProtests, and with the aim to update you on the latest, we start sending you the BOI- #IranProtests daily Update.
OIAC Rally in support for #IranProtests on News- Saturday Jan06,2018
#IranProtests Evin prison, Tehran, Iran, 9 January 2018
#IranProtests- Iranian people gathered in front of Evin prison in Tehran to put the government in pressure to release their family members and all the political prisoners.

#IranProtests Evin prison, Tehran, Iran, 9 January 2018
#IranProtests Evin prison, Tehran, Iran, 9th January 2018
#IranProtests- All Political prisoners must be released…. we will stand here until the last one. This is the message of Iranian people to government in front of Evin prison in Tehran.

#IranProtests Evin prison, Tehran, Iran, 9th January 2018
#IranProtests Iran, number of IRGC officers renouncing raised -Jan 09, 2018
#IranProtests- Separation from IRGC is increasing more and more. Several member of IRGC has joined to campaign of firing their membership cards and certificates.

#IranProtests Iran, number of IRGC officers renouncing raised -Jan 09, 2018
#IranProtests- Mike Pompeo ,CIA director- Jan08,2018
#IranProtests- Fox News interview on Recent protests in Iran- CIA director stated: Iranian protests is at the start point and will not never stop.

#IranProtests- Mike Pompeo ,CIA director- Jan08,2018- On recent uprisings, in Iran
Iran Protests Articles and Views.
These Iranian Protests Are Different From 2009
The Wall Street Journal
The protests in Iran send a cogent message: The clerical regime stands on shaky ground, and the Iranian people are unwavering in their quest to bring it down. Slogans against velayat-e faqih, or absolute clerical rule, called for a real republic and explicitly targeted the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani. This dispels the myth, still harbored by some governments, that Iranians distinguish between moderates and hard-liners in Tehran. It also undercuts flawed arguments depicting a stable regime.
Millions of Iranians live in poverty. Yet Tehran has spent upward of $100 billion on the massacre in Syria, according to reports obtained by the National Council of Resistance of Iran. The chants of “Death to Hezbollah” and “Leave Syria, think about us instead” clearly demonstrate the people’s opposition to the regime’s belligerent regional schemes.
Why Iran’s Protesters Are So Angry With Rouhani
Foreign Affairs
Empty Promises of Reform Have Disappointed Millions.
Ever since the recent wave of protests in Iran began on December 28, Western media coverage has disproportionately focused on socioeconomic causes as the main drivers behind citizens’ anger. Economic hardship is undeniably a key root cause, but to ignore the underlying political grievances is to lose sight of the bigger fight for the country’s future. Although Iranian President Hassan Rouhani may be neither the primary target nor the proximate cause of the demonstrations, his record in office since winning reelection last May has been an enormous disappointment to the nearly 24 million Iranians who voted for his second term. Instead of seeking to be his own man, Rouhani has repeatedly fallen back into following the playbook of the unelected Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, widening the already dangerous disconnect between ordinary Iranians and the ruling Shiite Islamist elite that purports to represent them. Nothing short of major reform can save the Islamic Republic in the long term.
Why the Iranian Uprising Won’t Die
Even if these protests are snuffed out, a new line has been crossed. There’s no going back.
Modern Iran has faced many uprisings, insurgencies and revolutions, from the 1905 Constitutional Revolution to the 1979 revolution to the 2009 Green Uprising. So the mass protests against the Islamic Republic that have taken place over the past few days are not unprecedented. But Iran has not witnessed such a storm since 2009, and possibly 1979. The Iran uprising of 2017 is the biggest challenge Iran’s theocracy has ever faced.
America can and should help the cause of freedom in Iran
Washington Examiner
Cracks are forming in the iron grip of the Iranian regime. The latest wave of protests sweeping Iran demonstrates yet again that dictatorial regimes are inherently doomed because they lack the enduring consent of the people they rule.
Yet just as our forefathers required foreign assistance to finally shed the chains of tyranny, we too must stand with the Iranian people as they defy their oppressors. Utilizing our economic, political, and technological might, rather than armed intervention, the United States should rectify past inaction and amplify the voices of Iranians.
For nearly four decades, the mullahs in Tehran have used brutality and religious zeal to cling to power and steal from the Iranian people. When they seized power in 1979, they were part of a larger, ideologically diverse movement opposed to the monarchical rule of the Shah. The Islamist clerics led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, however, turned on their revolutionary comrades and imposed theocratic rule once the monarchy fell. Thousands of Iranians of different political stripes were executed without trial while many more, such as members of the People’s Mujahideen of Iran, were forced into exile. Whatever promise many Iranians thought would come in 1979 proved to be a mirage that replaced one corrupt dictator with another.