Global video conferencing of representatives of Iranian communities in 42 cities


Call to confront the growing human rights violations and the export of terrorism by the mullahs’ regime and the need for a decisive policy

At the initiative of Iranian communities in Europe, North America and Australia, at a video conference that was simultaneously held in 42 cities and capitals of the world, thousands of Iranians supported the uprising of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime and supported the PMOI/MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the democratic alternative to the regime.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance, Patrick Kennedy, former US congressman; Senator Ingrid Betancourt; Lord Navnit Dholakia, deputy leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of England; Senator Jerry Horkan, Vice-Chairman of the Finance Committee in the Irish Senate; Antonio Tasso, Member of Parliament from Italy; former Algerian Prime Minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali; Pandeli Majco, Minister of State for Diaspora; and Fatmir Mediu, leader of the Republican Party and former defense minister from Albania; Governor Yves Bonnet, former Intelligence chief, Bishop Gaillot; Pierre Berci, President of the New Human Rights Foundation from France; Petter Eide, Member of Parliament from Norway, and Paolo Casaca, a former member of European Parliament were among the participants and speakers at the conference.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran pointed out the failure of the regime to suppress the uprising and protests, and to limit the activities of resistance units and its failed terrorist plots against resistance, as well as the failure of the regime to curb its failed economy and provide for sanctions relief through Europe, and said: “This regime has no way out, any solution that it pursues is shooting itself in the foot. The product of this political frustration is the degradation of the status of the regime in the political, economic, social and international arenas.”

Ms. Rajavi told the insurgent youths and resistance units: “Today, the existence of the regime is threatened more than ever. Iranian society is more than ever ready and boisterous. But the establishment of free Iran, of course, is the responsibility of the people and the resistance; it is your will that plays a decisive role in bringing about the current turbulent situation until the point of overthrowing the dictatorship of the mullahs. The secret of victory is the united struggle of the Iranian people and the rise of the uprising with the leadership of resistance units and resistance councils.”

In the videoconference, which was held with the participation of thousands in 42 cities, 90 people representing over 300 Iranian associations and communities gave speeches, including the following:

(Germany, Berlin) – Mansoureh Bahmanpour, The Society of Iranians in Exile in Berlin: As a woman who has been with and behind this resistance for many years, I have seen the role and function of women at various levels of this resistance and the Mojahedin organization. Mrs. Rajavi is not only a symbol for this resistance and her sympathizers, but her message of equality and liberation, and social responsibility for women, has affected the whole Iranian society and has moved generations of Iranian women.

Undoubtedly, the future of Iranian women with Maryam Rajavi is a world full of equality, freedom, effort and social responsibility that promises the opportunity for the political, economic and cultural reconstruction of Iran of tomorrow.

(Germany, Berlin) – Mahyar Mahtuchiyan – The Youth Movement for the uprising in Iran: My goal is to save Iran from the dictatorship of the criminal mullahs, and for this reason I am with the PMOI. From here, I say to the members of the resistance units and the youth: Know that you are a generation of endless. A thousand greetings to your determination that with the torch of freedom in your hands shines in the cities of our country. We, the youth living abroad, are with you right up to the last minute and we support you. You are the greatest honor for us, and thousands of greetings to you and your determination.

(Germany, Cologne) Mitra Hersini – The Iranian Council of Cologne: The undeniable role of the PMOI and the resistance units in the uprising and the isolation of the regime on the international scene has sparked the ill-fated anger of this regime against its alternative. What terrifies the regime more than anything else is the growing popular support for the PMOI. The Mojahedin and its supporters do not want anything for themselves in the struggle for freedom of Iran. Indeed, where can one find a collection of such women and men anywhere in the world? These are those who are trained in the logic of sacrifice and the honesty of the Mojahedin and the generation of Massoud and Maryam, who are in the forefront of sacrifice. Such a community truly deserves to overthrow the regime and build a free and prosperous Iran. Our word is very simple; the people of Iran and its leaders have been determined to get rid of the agony of this regime, the international community must accept this. Indeed, the day of victory will come and the people of Iran will be free

(Germany, Frankfurt) Maryam Manochehrian, Hessen Iranian Society: It’s not possible for the past four decades to go to a safe and secure place, and now provide a solution to escape the dictatorship and future of Iran. The PMOI and the National Council of Resistance are the fruits and continuation of the liberal, anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial struggles of the people of Iran in the past centuries that have provided an alternative to the current conditions of Iran with a proper understanding of the weaknesses and strengths of the previous movements. They are a unique achievement in Iranian history, incomparable to and non-substitutable with any other individual, group or organization.

The Iranian people are mature enough to free themselves from the cycle of transition from royal monarchy to clerical monarchy and from the reign of the clerical regime to the reign of the kingdom. The Iranians are cognizant to the merits, genius and the power they need to build a democratic Iran and deeply believe in the republic.

(Germany, Stuttgart) Mehran Mirzai – The Iranian Democratic Center: In the past year, the regime, with the use of its mercenaries, has launched a series of political assassinations, assassination of personality and demonization, defamation and lies against the resistance with full speed. In a coordinated chorus they say that this regime does not have an alternative, if the regime collapses, Iran will become like Syria with the civil war, and any alternative is worse than the current regime. They want to justify both the suppression inside and the terrorism abroad, and to discourage and disappoint the people. The collapsing mullahs know very well that their only threat is this resistance. But we have also learned in the experience of four decades that the PMOI and the NCRI are the guarantee for the overthrow of the regime and the orderly transfer of power to the people, ensuring the convergence of the people and the reconstruction of our ruined country. The time for this regime has come to its end and soon with the uprising of the people of Iran and at the hands of the Mojahedin, it will be swept away. We, the supporters of the resistance, are counting moments for such day.

(USA-Washington, D.C.) Rahileh Sadeghpour, Iranian community of northern Virginia: The 10 point plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi calls for an Iran where democracy, popular sovereignty and rule of law and social justice are upheld. This resistance has shown that it has the political will, social ability and the capacity to implement these programs. As a specialist, I can testify that in Europe and the United States, tens of thousands of prominent Iranian experts are very proudly prepared to implement democratic and popular programs of the resistance in Iran of tomorrow, and to participate in rebuilding Iran. When the Iranian people’s confidence returns to them, when there is freedom, the massive energy of the Iranian people will move toward reconstruction and development.

The inhumane regime of the mullahs will inevitably be overthrown and its absurd efforts will not succeed. The West, especially Europe, should stand with the Iranian people and recognize the right of the Iranian people to overthrow the religious fascism ruling Iran.

(USA, Orange County) Babak Dadvand, Iranian Society of Southern California: Love for Iran’s freedom is an ideal that has kept the resistance and the PMOI more robust than ever despite all the difficulties, repressions, assassinations and demonetizations.

We are proud of this leadership and this resistance, and for the sake of this blessing, we put everything that we have selflessly. And we are telling Western governments not to trade with this regime and not to tie their future in Iran to this regime. Do not invest on dead horses such as liar Rouhani and do not buy the hatred of the Iranian people for yourself. Put the Ministry of Intelligence in terrorist lists, and expel the mercenaries and agents of this regime and its Ministry of Intelligence from your countries

(USA< Berkeley) Farideh Seddighi, The Iranian Society of Northern California: With a legitimate, powerful, organized alternative with international and national support, the bright future awaits Iran and Iranians, a future in which love and hope return to the suffering and repressed people of Iran, where all its residents, women, men, followers of various religions, different nationalities, various strata of Iranian people will live in equality and brotherhood, and will turn Iran, this beautiful land, into a flower garden. A prosperous and advanced Iran, in which there is no oppression and sexual, ethnic, racial and class discrimination. An Iran that lives in peace and friendship with its neighbors. In the end, we are all announcing our preparedness that we will not stop short of working and we are committed to overthrowing this regime.

(USA, Atlanta) Batool Zamani, The Iranian Society of Georgia: Fearful and contradictory statements by regime officials reflect their frustration with the massive popular uprisings including workers, students, marketers, teachers and farmers, when they say, “something is happening, the voice of interconnectedness of protests is heard. If there are no serious decisions in the area of ​​economics, then there will be very difficult consequences.” This regime knows well its main enemy and therefore it always tried to keep its balance under various pressures by attacking Ashraf and Liberty, putting pressure on the resistance in order to give hope to its disintegrating forces. But today it has been left with no other option than its overthrow.

The perseverance and resilience of the insurgents arises from the glorious perseverance of the Mojahedin for years, which, according to Mrs. Rajavi, do not want anything for themselves and want everything for their people. This struggle will continue until the overthrow of the regime. So, in the words of our beloved Maryam, we can and we must.

(USA- Dallas) Homeira Hesami, The Iranian Society of Dallas-Texas: In Iran, the cry of freedom is heard everywhere. The risen people have shown that despite all the repression, they are not satisfied with anything short of the overthrow of this regime. The leading role and the prominence of our country’s heroine women in this campaign is truly impressive; women who are inspired and motivated by thousands of PMOI women and thousands of their martyr sisters. I salute thousands of resistance units across Iran who have shaken the foundations of this perpetually corrupt and decayed regime with their sacrifices, bravery and determination. There is hardly a day that the junior and senior officials of this regime do not express their fear from their effective role, especially the heroine women, in directing and organizing the protests and strikes. The world must stand alongside the people of Iran and their legitimate resistance for freedom.

(Austria, Vienna) Ehsan Ayatollahi, The Human Rights Association for Victims of Fundamentalism: Why supporters generously help the resistance? Because they consider the resistance as the only point of hope for people. When they see that the Mojahedin sacrifice their lives for freedom, they give up their homes and lives, they see their duty to support them fully. With this help, they find their Iranian and human identity. There is no corruption, lies and hypocrisy in the Mojahedin. All there is, it is true and sacrifice. This is the healing medicine of our wounded and tired society. This is what distinguishes the PMOI from the opposition claimants, who are seeking a “low cost” way. The PMOI have not only secured their financial independence but also their political independence.

(Australia, Sydney) Mohammad Sadeghpour, Association for Democracy and Human Rights in Iran: This movement is undoubtedly victorious due to the coherent organization and the power to organize the uprising until overthrow, because it has paid the highest price with its martyrs, with its financial independence and its dependence on the brave people of Iran, and also with the perseverance of its warriors in Ashraf and Liberty. It has shown its future, and from now on, all its supporters and followers, by following its humble leaders, will give all they have for this path to achieve victory.

As a representative of the Australian – Iranian communities, we call on the Australian Government and the international community not to continue the policy of appeasement and reconciliation with the regime and not to give more time for the killings of the Iranian people, especially I ask the Australian Government to impose sanctions on Tehran and to recognize its powerful alternative, the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People’s Mujahedin Organization.

(UK, London) Leila Jazayeri, Iranian Women’s Society – London: The Iranian Resistance, the alternative to this medieval regime, is composed of experts, the most talented, educated, intelligent, and the most elite and best children of Iran’s people. Those who will use their expertise and knowledge to rebuild Iran in free Iran of tomorrow. The assets and brains that have left Iran will be back tomorrow to build Iran.

The Iranian people have been under the dictatorship for a century. It has been 40 years that their economy has been destroyed, their seas and rivers have dried up and their environment has been destroyed and now they have no drinking water … This alternative is an answer to all the pain and destruction of our homeland, and is capable of turning Iran to a stable country, and to implement popular sovereignty, freedom, democracy and justice in it.

(Italy, Rome) Behzad Bahrehvar, The Association of Iranian Scholars and Professionals:  Experience tells me that the only healing of the numerous pain of a nation that has been for 100 years under the oppression of the Shah and the Mullah, and the only way that the confidence is returned to this betrayed nation, is to realize the aspirations of this resistance. The huge building of this resistance relies on the philosophy of “No one else is expected to scratch our back”, and the principle of “One can and one must” of the leadership of this resistance and all its fabric was made from the sacrifices and suffering of its members. The financing of a huge resistance is the symbol of trust of the people that we saw in telethon of last week. We have seen this approach not only to support today’s resistance but also to ensure the rebuilding of Iran of tomorrow. Our people, with breath taking pains, need love, hope and unity more than anything else. The values ​​that will come back to Iran with the leadership and the President of the resistance.

(Belgium, Brussels) Soroush Aboutalebi, The Association of Iranian Democratic Students and Youth: If the regime has become so emboldened to use its embassies for terrorist operations in Europe, it is because the appeasement approach of the European Union has made it more emboldened. The regime does not pay any price for its crimes. If Europe wants to be loyal to its values, it must stand firmly against this regime, arrest, punish and expel its mercenaries and agents from Europe, and make dealing with this regime contingent upon a halt to executions, torture and terrorism.

(Denmark, Copenhagen) Hamid Shamsabadi, The Association of Iranian Scholars and Professionals in Denmark: I never thought I would face the regime’s terrorists in Denmark, but on October 30, 2018, the Danish Information Service announced that it has arrested an agent of the Ministry of Intelligence of the regime who intended to carry out a terrorist attack in Denmark. How come the regime’s terrorism goes to the streets of Denmark and threatens the security of us and the people of this country. As a refugee, I call on the European Union to impose sanctions on Iran’s regime for this terrorism; The regime’s embassies, which are the spy command centers and terrorism must be closed; and any trade and deal with the regime, since it funds terrorism by its profits, should be stopped; do not stay silent on execution and torture, because the Iranian government has become more emboldened and is spreading its crimes outside Iran;

This regime does not have much time. The uprising of the Iranian people continues with the support of the Mojahedin and resistance units until the regime is overthrown. It is a great honor for all of us to have a contribution to this great historical mission, even small one.

(Denmark, Aarhus) Somayeh Abdolmaleki: We, the youths supporting the Iranian resistance in Denmark, say yes to the call of Mr. Masoud Rajavi, the leader of the Resistance, and declare our readiness to help the resistance units and the risen youths. We commit ourselves to be the voice of the innocence of our people who have been rising for one year. If PMOI did not exist, Iran was the same for me that the mullahs represent, but the Mojahedin showed an alternative to me and many young people, and that’s why we are Iranians to our bones and fight for the Iran that Maryam Rajavi represents.

This hysterical opposition of the regime to the Mojahedin, from the cyber-war to terrorist plots, is due to the fact that the regime sees its death in the existence and spread of resistance, and the widespread popular support for the Mojahedin and the Iranian resistance has frightened it to  its death. A nightmare that does not leave the regime alone, and we will not let the regime to survive this deadlock.

(Sweden, Gothenburg)  Fariba Dashti, Iranian Cultural Association: This organized resistance has been woven up in people, and in various turning points since February 1979, the Mojahedin’s creative adaptation to meet the needs of each stage has been witnessed. The PMOI, relying on its people and extending its hands for help, has maintained its independence, and this indicator can be seen in the recent telethon that how various strata of the people inside and outside the country, from men and women, from Turks, Arabs, Baluch and Fars helping their organization and opening up the way freedom and independence. Soon this national will and national alliance for the reconstruction of Iran after the mullahs will be used. In this regard, our only request from the European Union and the member states of the European Union is to expel the mercenaries and diplomat-terrorists of the Iranian regime and shut down the clerical regime spying offices, and to proscribe the Ministry of Intelligence and other repressive organs of the regime in the terrorism list.

(Sweden, Stockholm) Khosrow Parvardeh, Association of Democracy and Human Right: As stated in the Iranians’ National Declaration 20 years ago, the relationship with the clerical regime and each of its factions, and associating with any of its organs is the red line of the struggle for freedom and is rejected by the Iranian people. Returning to Iran and visiting the regime’s embassy by any refugee is a betrayal of the cause of the Iranian people’s freedom and cooperation in the suppression and terrorism and betrayal of Iranian refugees who have obtained this right because of the sacrifices of 120,000 martyrs. While the people’s uprising, guided by the resistance units and the Mojahedin organization, is bringing an end to the clerical regime, more than ever we feel obligated to expose and reject these traitors who have committed themselves to save this faltering regime.

(Sweden, Malmö) Hossein Pishkar, Iranian Cultural Association: A regime that has been condemned 65 times in the United Nations for human rights abuses pretends that all the misfortunes of Iran come from abroad. It scares people from ISIL and says if the revolution occurs and the mullahs go away, Iran will become hell. The fact is that Iran is hell for past 40 years. The reality is that with the survival of this regime, Iran will continue to wreak havoc and the ISIL creation plant continues to work.

The Mojahedin have fought for 40 years for freedom, democracy, separation of religion and the state, equality between men and women, respect for human rights and the prohibition of any discrimination, and will net rest on this path. It is the duty of every patriotic Iranian to rise in this way for a new revolution.

(Switzerland, Zurich) Gholamhossein Vakilzadeh, Association of Iranian Scholars: Many times I ask myself, if there were not Mojahedin, what would have remained from Iran and Iranians except reactionaries. The PMOI not only has kept the flames of resistance inside Iran but also has given life and soul to the exiles. In recent telethon, Iranians emphasized that the PMOI has returned our Iranian and human honor and dignity to us, and that the help we give is nothing compared to what the organization has given us. By the same logic, resistance units, despite the highest suppression and repression, maintained the flames of the uprising that had flared up since January. Mojahedin are the regime’s only alternative. That is why the regime seeks physical annihilation and political destruction of this resistance with terrorism, suppression and demonization. In return, the national and human duty of any freedom loving Iranian is to support this resistance. This is the same reason that has gathered all of us from around the world. The conspiracies of the regime and its Iranian and non-Iranian mercenaries only strengthen our commitment to this resistance and strengthen our determination to support it.

(France, Paris) Sara Nouri, Association of Political Refugees: I have learned that a major indicator of the progress of democracy and human rights in any society is the position of women in addition to its behavior toward ethnic and religious minorities and political opponents. The role of women in the Iranian resistance from forty years ago at all levels of management, whose obvious symbol is the presence of a woman at the head of the movement, is to ensure the establishment of democracy in Iran of tomorrow. I have not seen this phenomenon with this form and content in Iran, nor have I seen it in any country in the region or even Europe. That’s why I am confident that in Iran, liberated from the dictatorship of the misogynist mullahs, which is not far, the presence of these women and men who have advanced the movement shoulder to shoulder and brought it to this height, is the best and the strongest guarantee for the society to go toward freedom and democracy, equality and economic prosperity and social justice.

(Canada, Ottawa) Shahram Golestaneh, Iran Democratic Association: The helpless regime of Velayat-e-Faqih has used the worn out weapon of demonization in new dimensions to justify acts of suppression and terrorism against resistance. It has sent intelligence officers as journalists abroad and recruited some others. But we say to these so-called journalists that our people have tested the regime, they also know ostentatious politicians and have experienced the PMOI for the past 40 years. Toronto Sun wrote a few years ago that the regime’s embassy offered $80,000 to the director of the Mackenzie Institute, a Canadian think-thank, to describe the Mojahedin as a cult that he declined with honesty. Those who have accepted such proposals can be easily identified and exposed. This is our duty in line with the overthrow of the clerical regime.

Our love for the Mojahedin and its leadership, as opposed to the claims of suspicious claimants, is not because of the cult of personality, but because of their burning thirst for freedom and the price they pay every day for the overthrow of the clerical regime and the transfer of sovereignty to the people.

(Canada, Toronto) Shahnaz Fallah, International Coalition of Women Against Fundamentalism: Women’s Alliance): The clerical regime begun to launch its terrorist meddling in the region, extending its scope to Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, since its coming to power. We have witnessed the expansion of the dimensions of the regime’s terrorist plots against the resistance. As long as the regime of Velayat-e-Faqih regime is in power, there will be no peace in the Middle East. The US Congress House Resolution 1034 condemning the regime’s terrorist plot against the gathering of resistance in France and supporting the 10 point plan of Ms. Rajavi enjoys the support of 104 members of the US House of Representatives, including 52 chairmen and vice chairmen. Only with a firm policy we can prevent the expansion of terrorism and crimes against humanity by the religious fascism ruling Iran.

(Luxemburg, Luxembourg) Farideh Absalan, Association for the Defense of Human Rights and Democracy: From the first years of the clerical rule, the PMOI began to confront the mullahs’ regime in all fronts by sacrificing all it had, preventing the regime to stabilize. Today, resistance units have decided, with the help of various strata, to uproot the root of oppression from Iran. This resistance, by relying solely on people’s force and with full independence and with the sacrifice of all its members and supporters, has guided this struggle. The PMOI, by relying on such men and women with a selfless leadership and with the 10-point plan of Ms. Rajavi, has both the ability to overthrow this regime, as well as the orderly transfer of power to the representatives of the people and reconstruction of Iran and national unity.

(Norway, Oslo) Delaram Dashti, Women’s Pezhvak Association: I have found equal and non-discriminatory world in the National Council of Resistance and the PMOI! They accept the human being as it is, regardless of gender, ethnic or religious affiliation, something that is not even imaginable in the fascist religious rule in Iran. The regime is currently at war with ethnic and religious minorities and with all people of Iran. The PMOI, the National Council of Resistance and the 10 point plan of Mrs. Rajavi, rightly opposite of this regime, demand for the friendship and coexistence of all components of the Iranian society, from any religion and nationality. Equality of followers of all religions and autonomy for different nationalities and a comprehensive autonomy plan for Iranian Kurdistan Iran is one of the strengths of our resistance to build a democratic and modern Iran, an Iran where everyone has a share in its reconstruction.

(Norway, Kristiansand) Amineh Qaraei – Association of Women for Freedom: As a child of a martyr of the massacre (1988), and on behalf of all those who are still in search of the graves of their loved ones, we are calling for the trial and punishment of the perpetrators of this crime, and we neither forget nor forgive them. I am glad that those bloods were not in vain and today it has resurrected in the struggle of Mojahedin and the resistance units all across Iran. Like the thousands of young people throughout Iran, I hope that I deserve to continue the name and the cause that my father gave his life for.

(Netherlands, The Hague)  Mahnaz Ferezkenari: I was impressed by the status of women in the PMOI during my acquaintance with the Mojahedin. It was commendable for me that the idea of ​​equality was no longer a theory, but implemented in a revolutionary organization. Today we, the Iranian women in four corners of the world, salute the leadership of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who has, in fact, played an incomparable role in the fight against the mullahs’ regime. Mrs. Rajavi! By implementing the idea of ​​equality and opening up the women’s hegemony, you gave the dynamism of perseverance to resistance against all pressures and conspiracies, as we saw in Ashraf and Liberty. But more importantly, with these female leaders, you guaranteed democracy and popular sovereignty in Iran’s future.

(Netherlands, Zwolle) Fereshteh Riazi Doust: As an old supporter of the PMOI, I am proud in this important historical juncture to be alongside the resistance for freedom in Iran, a resistance that has continued the Mossadegh’s path and has stood against the fundamentalism. In addition to execution, torture and assassination, this resistance, like Mossaddeq, has been faced with the most severe lies and accusations from the regime, its mercenaries and their accomplices. This resistance is capable of treating the numerous wounds of devastated Iran in the hands of the mullahs, and with the participation of all the Iranian people, guarantee the establishment of democracy, freedom and prosperity of our occupied homeland.

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