On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, leading bi-partisan members of the U.S. House of Representatives held a policy briefing to examine Iran policy alternatives and unveiled a landmark bipartisan resolution on Iran (H.Res.1148). Members of congress and Iranian American Community leaders addressed an array of challenges posed by Tehran and proposed the most sensible solution aimed at breaking the enduring impasse in U.S.Iran policy and resolving the decades-long threat posed by Tehran.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President Elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran was the first leader addressing the event. She welcomed the introduction of H.Res.1148 and said, “It’s time for everyone to open their eyes to the real solution as well, the same solution that you, honorable representatives, have offered in your new bipartisan resolution. In the 2022 uprising, the people of Iran expressed their desire to reject all forms of dictatorship, whether the Shah or the mullahs. Therefore, the NCRI aims to establish a democratic republic…For many years, we warned that appeasement would lead to war. Today, a war that we could avoid has put the Middle East on fire.

She then added, “It is time for Khamenei and his regime to be held accountable for forty years of warmongering. The policy of appeasement must be ended. The urgent and necessary measures to be adopted include the use of the snapback mechanism to revive the UN Security Council’s resolutions against the mullahs’ regime’s nuclear program and imposing comprehensive sanctions against this regime. Today, the clerical regime is confronted with the most significant and fundamental threat to its existence, which is the determination of the Iranian people to rise up and overthrow the regime, alongside the presence of an organized resistance capable of leading this struggle to victory. Now is the right moment for the solution outlined in your resolution to be implemented as the official policy of the U.S. and Europe towards Iran.”
The honorable Randy Weber (R-TX) who introduced H.Res.1148, was the event’s next speaker. He said, “for decades we have suffered under regimes of the Ayatollahs who have reveled, absolutely reveled, in destabilizing the Middle East. Madame Rajavi talked about that, quite frankly.” Mr. Weber then referenced H.Res.1148 and said, “I’m proud to have introduced this resolution along with 145 United States representatives, both Republicans and Democrats alike.” He referenced the regime’s weakness and persecution of Iranian dissidents and said, “the Iranian regime started sham trials in absentia of some 104 veteran members of the Iranian resistance who are primarily based in Europe, including in France and Albania, to create a phony, all of this to create a phony legal precedent against them and then have them extradited to Iran or to justify terror plots against them and their families. I tell you what, this ignominious regime’s survival hinges on its oppressive domestic policies and its international terror

campaigns.” He applauded all Iranians who are demanding an end to totalitarian regime and seeing a form of governance that derives its legacy from the people and not from any unelected single party. To that end he added, “we recognize a future as envisioned by the National Council of Resistance, and we applaud the leadership of Ms. Maryam Rajavi.”
Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA) told the audience, “the people of Iran who need our help to rid themselves and the world of this malignant dictatorship. Every day this regime goes on, the threat to the safety and security of the entire region increases. And this threat will continue until the mullahs are overthrown and brought to justice for their crimes against humanity.” He added, “And now we have House Resolution 1148 calling for holding this criminal regime accountable for its actions through the continued imposition of sanctions and to support the Iranian resistance’s 10-point plan for the future of Iran…The free world must recognize that the people of Iran want this regime gone in its entirety. To help them, the

United States has to adopt two policies outlined by former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo at a meeting with Ms. Maryam Rajavi just hours before the October 7th attack occurred in the Middle East. First, the United States must put maximum pressure on the regime in Tehran. This means that it must stop offering this regime additional capital. It also means that the administration must enforce fully all of the sanctions required by U.S. law. And the United States must refrain from actively undermining the Iranian opposition. Second, the United States government must provide maximum political and moral support to the people of Iran and adopt the steps outlined by measures such as House Resolutions 100, 627, and now 1148.”
Congressman Lance Gooden (R-TX) then addressed the briefing and noted, “I want to talk about your fellow citizens in Ashraf 3 in Albania and other citizens throughout Europe who are being persecuted by this regime. I realize that they have started some sham trials in Tehran recently, just in the last few days. These are not real. This is all an effort to cause trouble

for those in Ashraf 3. We know that they have infiltrated members of the Albanian government and have worked against your citizens there, and I am working along with my colleague to my right and all of us in Congress to fight back against that. We are working with our friends in Albania, hoping that they will do the right thing and stand up for those Iranian citizens who have sought refuge in Albania at Ashraf 3. The last time I was in Albania, I got to tour the facilities there, and I got to visit with Madam Rajavi. We had some very difficult conversations and very special moments with the people there that have been through so much, and you know many of them. I just want to reaffirm my support for Madam Rajavi’s 10-point plan for peace and security in Iran.”
Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) emphasized his longstanding dedication to the cause of freedom in Iran and noted, “I am proud to be standing next to my friend Steve Cohen, and I’m proud that I brought my daughter, Molly Sherman, the next generation of Americans who will be dedicated to a friendly and democratic Iran. Some of you saw her at the big demonstration in front of the State Department several years ago.”

He added, “I am pleased to be the chief Democrat on H.Res.100, which calls for a secular, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran. And we have 243 co-sponsors.” In addition he added, “I’m pleased to have joined with Randy Weber and so many others in introducing H.R. 1148 to condemn two things, this regime’s brutal suppression of its own people and its regional proxy war.”
Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) addressed the appeasement policy towards Iran and said, “We have too many folks in our country that think we can reach out to and make peace with this regime.

We cannot. They are not interested in peace with America or its neighbors.” He added, “I’m just going to sound crude – but we should not take our foot off of the regime’s neck. That means we’ve got to be hard on sanctions. Don’t release that relief valve at all.
In his remarks, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) addressed the ongoing struggle of the Iranian people against the ruling theocracy and said, “The situation in Iran has been critical for some time, and that’s why many of us support the resolution to help see that Iran becomes free and democratic.” He added, “I’m proud to stand with this group that’s fighting for a free and independent Iran. It is a non-nuclear Iran that respects others and operates in a democratic fashion.

So to my Iranian-American friends here, thank you for being here and for your unwavering support in your fight for democracy and human rights.”
In his remarks, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) referenced bipartisan congressional support for a firm US policy towards Iran and said, “It’s my hope that you will recognize that not just myself or Congressman Brad Sherman or Congressman Don Bacon,

who really has a specialized understanding in particular about the evils of the Iranian leadership and the messages of destruction and trying to cause chaos around the world.”
Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) discussed the need to remain steadfast in the struggle for freedoms and said, “I am what is called an activist. And there are people who get involved in active struggle… I must confess that I have been tremendously impressed with your struggle. I always tell people that the biggest meeting I ever went to in my whole life was outside of Paris. You’re talking about a meeting of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands.” He then sang a religious song about freedom and struggle: “Before I would be a slave I will be dead and buried in my grave and gone home to my Lord to be free.” Rep. Davis added, “So I applaud your struggle for freedom. Your struggle for independence. Your willingness to sacrifice.

Your willingness to give all that you’ve got. Never giving up. Knowing that if you continue in the struggle ultimately you will rejoice in the victory. So I join with you in your efforts. I applaud the tenacity with which you continue to work and struggle and approach.”
In her remarks, Dr. Ramesh Sepehrad lauded the bipartisan congressional support for the Iranian resistance highlighted key points of H.Res.1148 and said, “This is the strongest bipartisan resolution that’s been introduced, which is very different than other resolutions that are being discussed this week because of the fact that it offers a very explicit and specific policy to the

White House and to the administration. This bipartisan support and the solution has garnered considerable backing, emphasizing on a unified approach addressing the challenges posed by the Iranian regime, particularly in the regional instability and terrorism. It does not allow for any more half measures. It really emphasizes the message that the resolution explicitly calls that there is no need for military intervention or significant financial aid. Instead, it emphasizes empowering the Iranian people and their organized resistance, seeking a democratic change from within. This is a point that Maryam Rajavi was also bringing up at the beginning of the event today, that it is up to the Iranian people who are willing to sacrifice and struggle for freedom, and it is the resistance units that are going to bring this regime down. It also identifies the regime’s vulnerabilities. It highlights the internal weakness of the Iranian regime, identifying strategic vulnerability that can and should be targeted through sanctions and through snapback mechanism, just as Mrs. Rajavi was alluding to earlier.”
More importantly, she added, “I think this resolution also talks about protection and the support of those who are fighting on the front line of the resistance. The resolution underlines the importance and the protection of the people based in Camp Ashraf 3 in Albania, acknowledging that their crucial role in really promoting peace and democracy, and more importantly, the testimonies of them who are witnesses of the heinous crimes of the Iranian regime for the sake of accountability and for the sake of peace and stability in the region. This resolution is aligned with a vision that is outlined by Maryam Rajavi, the 10-point plan, and I think this is the qualifying difference between this resolution and other bills that are being introduced in Congress this week when it comes to dealing with Iran. The very 10-point plan that Congressman Weber was talking about, which includes commitment to free and fair elections, free market economy, separation of church and state, equality across all gender, religious, and ethnic groups, and the different Iranian nationalities, and the coexistence, peaceful coexistence with its neighbors, this is what the future
of Iran holds, and this is what Congressman Danny Davis was just talking about in terms of free at last. This is the struggle for this vision of Iran that the Iranian people are fighting for. The special attention that’s given to the rights of the political refugees in Ashraf 3 was highlighted in this resolution, and it really calls for ensuring that they receive protection from potential threats by the Iranian regime. Congressman Lance Gooden, Congressman Weber, and Congressman McClintock all spoke about this very important issue. And then, of course, the resolution supports the rights of the Iranian people and the resistance unit to actively confront the Iranian regime and the IRGC and their oppressive elements within the regime, highlighting the legitimacy of their struggle for freedom and change.”
Majid Sadeghpour, OIAC’s political director then addressed the gathering, summarizing the purposes of the legislation (H.Res.1148) and how this measure can help pro-democracy movement in Iran. He said, “We are not here to talk about the threat that Iran has. That is fairly understood by members of Congress and now the American people. What is not understood is the solution, and the resolution highlights that very fact. The solution thus far is that the Iranian people have, not just recently, but since 1981, had an organized opposition movement that has withstood one of the most barbaric regimes that mankind has witnessed over the past four decades, has introduced a plan for a future of Iran that is Jeffersonian in nature, that aspires to bring to Iran a democratic republic where the people and the ballot box speaks.

The plan we are speaking about has been introduced, you see a copy of it here with us, by Madam Rajavi, a ten-point plan that explains didactically the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s structure for a Jeffersonian transitional government in Iran, affording the Iranian people the opportunity to vote at one day. When that day comes, we have full faith in the Iranian people’s aspirations for that secular republic. That is what the Iranian people have tried to accomplish over the past century, led by their women, and it is not accidental that a woman leads the Iranian resistance.” Dr. Sadeghpour added, “House Resolution 1148 is telling us, let’s support the Iranian resistance. Let’s not pretend this regime is changeable. The Iranian people squared with this regime 40 to 41 years ago, that is when the National Council of Resistance of Iran was formed. So we’re here to thank the members of Congress.”
Mrs. Homeira Hesami, the Chairwoman of the Iranian American Community of North Texas also addressed the briefing and said, “Our organization is not just something that was put together to celebrate New Year’s or things like that. We’ve been involved with the human rights from a long time ago.

A lot of us have been directly victim of the Iranian regime, so talking to our members of Congress is a passion for us. It’s the way that we can express our feelings, our frustration, and our story and share the story with the representatives, and that’s why we are a grassroots organization. And as I said, you know, we are all full-time, have our full-time jobs, but defending human rights is a passion for us. And when I look at the Resolution 1148 and such a huge bipartisan support from members of Congress, from both Democrats and Republicans, it gives us, encourages us, inspires all of us to do more because every single item of this resolution is the history of all of us.”
In her remarks, Mrs. Shirin Nariman of the Iranian American Community of Virginia spoke of the Iranian prisons and said, “I’m a former political prisoner. I was in prison for two years at age 17. And unfortunately, I had to witness many of my friends being tortured, executed. And you know, you forget things that happens to you. You forget your tortures, you know, buried in the ground or playing the Russian roulette in your head. What you never forget is your friends, the moments that you said goodbye to your friends, the last goodbye, and they were executed… Within eight to 10 weeks [in 1988], around 30,000 people were executed.

Many of the prisoners, prisons, not, didn’t have even one survivor. Smaller cities, nobody survived. In Tehran, which is the capital and the surrounding, Gohardash, not even one woman survived. Every single one of
them were executed.” She also addressed stipulations of H.Res.1148 and added, “Everything in this resolution has outlined that. It talks about the safety of the Camp Ashraf. Many of my cellmates, not many of them have survived, but right now they are in Camp Ashraf. And I’m afraid that something terrible would happen. The threat of Iranian regime is real. And their lives are not safe.”
Mr. Nasser Sharif, the President of the California Society for Democracy In Iran also addressed the brining. He also spoke of the congressional solutions offered by H.Res.1148 and said, “So in this resolution, the significant thing about this resolution is showing the path forward, offering a solution which is changed by Iranian people and their organized resistance.

So I’m sure the next few days, you’re going to see many resolutions condemning Iranian regime’s terrorism, but this one is showing the path forward and offering a solution. And we are very proud to sponsor that, and our community members across California reached to their members, talking to the community, and brought a lot of support for this resolution.”
Mr. Gholam Torshizi, from the Iranian American Community Maryland highlighted clerical regime president Ebrahim Raisi’s role in the execution of political prisoners in Iran. He spoke about the execution of his 3 brothers and the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran and said,

“The current President, Ebrahim Raisi, they had a committee of four people who decide who repent or who is not repenting, and if you don’t repent, they issue your death sentence. For me, 1988 is still going on because the murderer, Ebrahim Raisi, is the President of Iran right now. This resolution is the answer for the Iranian people – that this regime must go.”
Media Coverage and Reactions
Interview with Fox TV:

Rep. Weber’s Press Release:
Rep. Stefanik on Twitter:
Rep. Don Bacon on Twitter: