Thousands of Iranian-Americans Rally Against Iranian President Hassan Rouhani - UN, September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015
Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Demand Accountability for Iran’s Rights Record
While President Barack Obama & Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke at the United Nations on September 28, 2015, thousands of Iranian-Americans rallied against Rouhani outside U.N. Headquarters in New York. Β One the same day, Chairman and Ranking Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee released aΒ related letterΒ andΒ statementΒ on Iran & its rights record, respectively.Β
Read Chairman Royce’s Letter
Read Ranking Member Engel’s Statement
Each year, Iranian-Americans and their friends gather in New York City to rally against presence of Iranian-regime officials at the United Nations and to demand that international community hold Iran accountable for its abhorrent human rights record.
On September 28, 2015, Iranian Diaspora and concerned citizensΒ converged in NYC while Hassan Rouhani spoke at the U.N. Β The rally highlighted the rights violations in Iran and Rouhani’s abysmal rights recordΒ as Iranian government continues to execute more of its citizens per capita than any other U.N. member state. In their coverage of the event, Associated Press highlighted many of the rally’s messages, including the need for the international community to hold Iranian leaders accountable for the more thanΒ 2000 people executed under Rouhani.
We thank everyone for theirΒ participation in our rally, included the distinguished speakers.
Monday Sept. 28, 2015
10:30 AM
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, U.N.
New York, 47th St. & 1st Ave.
Distinguished Speakers at the New York Rally for a Democratic, Secular, Non-Nuclear Republic Iran Included:
Bill Richardson
Former U.S. Ambassador in UN and Governor of New Mexico
Tom Ridge
Former Secretary of Homeland Security and Governor of Pennsylvania
Alan M. Dershowitz
OIAC-US Political Director Dr. M. Sadeghpour Urges Participation in NYC Rally for Iran Regime Change
This Year’s Rally is Sponsored by Community of Iranian-Amerixcans in 40 States, and by a Wide Array of Inter-faith Groups, Individuals, and Organizations; Including
- Millennium Baptist Church,Rev. Donna Washington
- Temple Emanu-el Staten Island-NY, Rabbi Gerald Sussman
- Baltimore Christian Warriors, Rev. King
- Walker Mill Baptist Church, Bishop Vandy Kennedy
- The BMW community Development Group, Dr. Steve Lewis
- Arlington Young Republicans, Matthew Hurt
- New Beginning Missionary Baptist Church (NBMBC), Pastor Edward Young
- New York State Chaplain Task Force, Rev. Marcos A. Miranda, D.D., CCC
We welcome all organizations that supports a democratic, secular, non-nuclear and republic Iran to sponsor and support us. Please fill out the form below:
[dhvc_form id=”5337″]
1 comment
I want to express my support and prayers for such a great cause. Unfortunately I am not able to attend to the rally because of short notice and living in long distance.
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