At Congressional Event, Solid House Majority Deliver H.RES.100

March 09, 2023
Bipartisan members of the U.S. House of Representatives spoke at a Congressional Briefing, announce solid majority support for H.Res.100, an Iranian Republic.
WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, March 9, 2023 / — Bi-partisan sponsors and many cosponsors of H. Res. 100 joined a congressional briefing to announce their support for the people of Iran and their call for a non-nuclear, secular, republic. The resolution has garnered support from 11 Committee Chairs, 60 Subcommittee Chairs, and 28 Foreign Affairs Committee Members and ranking members. The briefing honored the international women’s Day and reflected on the women’s leadership and sacrifice in the last four decades. Of note, forty-eight Congresswomen are among the measure’s cosponsors. Addressing the briefing were Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC), Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX), Don Bacon (R-NE), Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL), Rep. Glen Grothman (R-WI), and Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA).
This week we honor women in the International Women’s Day. I’m looking to Madam President, the freedom fighter, Madam Rajavi, to soles in Iran, we honor you.”— Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Chairman Tom McClintock referred to the principles of the Ten-Point Plan by Maryam Rajavi, the President Elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and said, “the universal right to vote in free and fair elections, the right of every person to participate in a free market and to enjoy the prosperity that freedom guarantees, the right to be judged as a human being regardless of gender, religion or ethnicity; the right to return to the community of free and respected nations based on peaceful coexistence. This is the future of Iran – its course is already charted, the journey already begun, and its shining destination can already be seen in the distance.”
In her remarks, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee added, “This is the week we honor women in the International Women’s Day. Then I’m looking to Madam President, the freedom fighter, Madam Rajavi, we honor you. Let’s hope my voice can be heard, to soles in Iran, we honor you, young women and men who are hearing me.”
Rep. Brad Sherman praised the uprising in Iran and added, “I am joining you today an important time in Iran. We’ve seen the women taking the lead and this is an appropriate day to recognize their role. The resolution recognizes Maryam Rajavi, one of the women who’s been a leader fighting for democracy in Iran and it commemorates the new generation of women who are fighting.”
The event’s keynote speaker was Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of parliament in-exile of National Council of Resistance of Iran who addressed the session remotely. She said, “Since you introduced this resolution a month ago, the Iranian regime under different pretexts has shown its utmost anger and has resorted to massive rhetoric against the noble Members of U.S. Congress. But House Majority support for this resolution, is in fact, the decisive response of U.S. House of Representatives to the Iranian regime and the massive disinformation campaign to hinder your support for the Iranian Resistance and people’s uprising.
It demonstrates that the Members of Congress will only increase their support for the people of Iran as they fight for a democratic, free republic based on separation of religion and state.” Mrs. Rajavi then added, “Finally, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day,
I would like to congratulate everyone rising up for freedom and equality and all those struggling for the elimination of unjust discrimination against women. On this day we are proud of the Iranian women who are the forerunners for change. These brave women are relying on decades of heroic sacrifices of women in the Iranian resistance who seek to liberate the entire Iranian nation.”
Dr. Ramesh Sepehrrad, Chair of OIAC’s Advisory Board moderated the event and recognized the members in attendance. She called the House Majority support for H.Res.100 within 4 weeks of its introduction, “a significant milestone for Iranian Americans and their members of congress.” Leaders of Iranian American communities, with their state’s flags positioned in the background, attended the briefing to symbolize the solidarity between US Congress and the Iranian people. Mr. Ryan Nasir, member of OIAC’s youth chapter attended the briefing to express his thanks to members of Congress from California. House Resolution 100 was initially introduced with 165 original co-sponsors on February 7th, 2023.
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