Rally Against Rouhani in New York


Thousands of Iranian-Americans Rally Against Rouhani in New York

Baylor Cook
KYLE MORRIS 27 Sep 2019

NEW YORK — Thousands of people took to the streets of New York City Tuesday and Wednesday to call for regime change in Iran as Hassan Rouhani traveled to the Big Apple to address the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The bipartisan protest, dubbed the “No to Rouhani” rally and put on by the Organization of Iranian American Communities, was attended by members of the Iranian-American community, supporters of the Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Prominent voices and speeches at the event, which occurred across the street from the United Nations, included opposition leader Maryam Rajavi; former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani; retired four-star general and former vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army, Jack Keane; and former U.S. vice presidential candidate Sen. Joe Lieberman.

“Your gathering in New York is a resounding ‘No!’ to the policy of appeasement, to the policy of buying chances for a moribund regime, and to the policy of inaction toward a regime that preserves its power through warmongering, terrorism, and suppression,” Rajavi said.

“If one can topple this regime without an organization and leadership, without overcoming thorny trials, and without paying the price and making sacrifices, we say: Please, go ahead, don’t delay,” she continued.

“The mullahs’ regime is weak and at an impasse. Its adventurism and evil acts in the region are expanded only because no other party has stood up to it,” Rajavi added. “At the same time, the people of Iran are the regime’s primary victims.”

Iranian-American Communities rallying today in NYC during #UNGA & demanding:

1️⃣ the @UN seat belongs to Iranian people’s representative under the leadership of @Maryam_Rajavi
2️⃣We oppose any form of appeasement
3️⃣We support #MaximumPressure to isolate the regime #No2Rouhani pic.twitter.com/4mNHUQDNo0

— OIAC (@OrgIAC) September 24, 2019

Chants of “terrorist Rouhani out of U.N.” could be heard as regime change supporters gathered in the designated area. Protest signs read, “Iranians want regime change,” and, “Iran hangs kids. Stop Iran’s murder regime.”


irans murder regime

Invoke the multilateral UNSC “snapback” option now!#Iran is in violation of the all international agreements

Time to restore all UN resolutions that were in place before JCPOA! #UNGA #No2Rouhani @StateDept @realDonaldTrump @antonioguterres pic.twitter.com/YYuGoNrJ3K

— OIAC (@OrgIAC) September 24, 2019

iranian people want regime change

“The regime is seeing something that many are perceiving here in the west,” Giuliani said to the crowd. “They are seeing signs that they may be coming to an end. … This is the sign of a regime that’s crumbling.”

“I am speaking in my individual capacity,” Giuliani added. “I am for regime change. Down with the tyrants in Iran. Down with the ayatollah and the mullahs and all the crooks.”

Giuliani also praised Rajavi for her efforts regarding regime change in Iran, calling her a “great woman.”

America’s Mayer @RudyGiuliani

NCRI can take over and run Iran like no other Regime Change models!
From Regime of terror to regime of democracy & freedom under leadership of madam Rajavi
It ends capital punishment and restore respect for women’s right!
#No2Rouhani #UNGA pic.twitter.com/pWTLj9XocR

— OIAC (@OrgIAC) September 24, 2019

“The regime’s aggressions still continues — our policies won’t change the behavior,” Lieberman said in regards to the Iranian regime. “It’s regime change that can solve the Middle East bloodshed. The NCRI’s ten-point plan is a guarantee for a prosperous, democratic and nuclear-free Iran. The NCRI has the broadest support in the U.S. and around the world.” The way that soviets regime was dismantled, the Iranian people can do the same to mullahs!
The NCRI 10 point plan is a guarantee for A prosperous, democratic & nuclear free Iran

The NCRI has the broadest support in US and around the world!#Iran #No2Rouhani #UNGA pic.twitter.com/2huuzNEIP5

— OIAC (@OrgIAC) September 24, 2019

Keane took the stage where he also echoed Giuliani and Rajavi’s remarks in advocating for regime change in Iran.

“For almost forty years now, Iran has destabilized the Middle East with their maligned and aggressive behavior and after looking at it for almost four decades the only way that this is going to change, the mullahs are not going to change,” Keane told Breitbart News. “The regime has to change and likely that change will have to come from within.”

“What this administration is doing is finally beginning to break the foundation of the regime in terms of currency devaluation, inflation, civil unrest, drying up all their oil exports,” Keane added. “Iran is in a weaker place than they’ve been in nearly forty years, and they’re making desperate, stupid decisions as a result of it.”

Several Iranian youth were also in attendance for the rally as they gathered to protest against Rouhani’s presence at the United Nations General Assembly and “echo the people’s voice for regime change.”

regime change

In June, thousands of Iranian-Americans also gathered in the streets of Washington, DC, to march and voice their support for those seeking regime change in Iran, an issue that past presidential administrations have seemed to avoid.

Follow Kyle on Twitter @RealKyleMorris and Facebook.


Protesters urge Trump to reject compromise with Iran

protestors urges trump

  • Protesters began gathering near the UN headquarters in Manhattan last week and have maintained a daily vigil
  • They hope of reminding President Trump, American officials and UN delegates oJ° Iran’s history of terrorism

NEW YORK: Thousands of members of a coalition of Iranian American organizations vowed to confront Iranian President Hassan Rouhani when he addresses the UN on Wednesday reminding the world of the more than i2o,ooo political dissidents and democracy advocates who have been murdered by Iran’s government over the past 4o years.

Protesters began gathering near the UN headquarters in Manhattan last week and have maintained a daily vigil. Their numbers will continue to grow, according to the Political Director for the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) which coordinates anti-regime activism in the US.

Dr. Majid Sadeghpour said the world community “should not be fooled” by false gestures of goodwill from Iran’s representatives. “No amount of economic and political concessions can moderate the behavior of this medieval regime. The mullahs understand only the language of power and firmness. Maximum pressure must be applied to help the Iranian people free themselves from the yoke of the mullahs,” he added.

“We began protesting last week in anticipation of the opening of the UN General Assembly’s ›4th Session and the appearance of Iran’s officials, and we will continue protesting until the Iranian regime is held responsible for its ongoing atrocities against the people of Iran,” Sadeghpour said.

“We will be here in numbers when officials of the Iranian regime are expected to address the UN on Wednesday.”

Sadeghpour said protesters have maintained daily vigils since last week in the hope of reminding President Trump, American officials and UN delegates of Iran’s history of terrorism and brutality against its people.

He said Trump and the UN must “reject the false pretenses of moderation” by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his representatives.

Trump had originally taken a strong public stand against Iran, accusing them of engaging in terrorism and violence, and then seemed to soften two weeks ago when he said he would meet Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani if he came to the opening session of the UN General Assembly’s ›4th year.

But a week ago, after a coordinated drone and cruise missile attack targeted Saudi Aramco oil fields along the Yemen coast, Trump said America’s military was “locked and loaded,” suggesting America was ready to go to war with Iran. Trump said he would move to block Rouhani and his regime from attending the UN meeting in New York, but later relented.

The assault by the 25 drones and multiple missiles took early on Saturday, Sept.

  1. 1 During a press briefing this week in Riyadh, coalition spokesman Col. TurkiAl-Maliki said the assaults forced Saudi Arabia to shut down half of its oil production.

Saudi officials, including Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeebah, the head of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, have said the sophisticated, technologically coordinated attacks in Abqaiq and Khurais were “too complex” to be orchestrated only by the Houthi militias.

“Iran is behind many attacks against the region. The UN should take action. There should be a resolution against Iran. The involvement of the UN delivers a message,”Al-Rabeeah said on Wednesday during a press briefing to outline Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian efforts in Yemen where Iran-backed Houthi militias have targeted civilians, aid workers and coalition forces.

Calling Rouhani a “murderous moderate,” Sadeghpour said Rouhani and other Iranian regime officials should be held accountable for the killings of the more than i2o,ooo Iranian civilians, including 3o,ooo murdered during a nationwide purge in 1988.

Nine years after taking control of Iran from the former leader, the Shah of Iran, the Iranian regime under the direction of Ayatollah Khomeini, ordered a purge of dissidents demanding democracy. The crackdown began on July i9. 1988, and continued throughout the country for nearly five months. Because so many people were taken prisoner, Iran used construction cranes to hang the victims at half-hour intervals.

Former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani, who has addressed protests against the Iranian regime in the past, is expected to join former Senator Joseph Liberman in speaking to the protestors at the anti-regime rallies.

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